~Drake POV~

I was just looking around the shack for anything that might help lead us to Jaxx or the necklace wearer, but then I saw this weird book next to the weapon shelf. It tones of info on magic spells, creatures and items. Maybe we can find some more stuff about the necklace in here. I kept looking for more clues, but then I heard whimpering behind me.
When I turned around, I saw Zach in a corner with his hands over his face and tears running down his face. I never saw him cry before, exept if he is really really really really sad, or scared. I went over to him and sat down beside him to see what was going on.
Drake: Zach, you ok bro
Zach: *sniffles* n-no
Drake: Whats wrong?
Zach: ....
Drake: Zach?

Then he kept looking at the chair in the middle of the room. I understood what scared him. He probably remembered the torture he went through last night,now I feel really bad now for teasing him earlier. Then he just hugged me really tight and cried in my shoulder.
Drake: its ok Zach, its over now, you dont have to worry anymore
Zach: D-Drake, can we g-go now...please
Drake: alright...atleast I found one clue, lets just leave.

So we quickly left the shack, but I took more weapons fom the shelf, just in case😏😏😏. After a while I helped Zach to calm down, and the two of us went back to the cherry blossom tree to meet the others.

~Charli POV~

Me and Light were just chillin at the cherry blossom tree waiting for the others to come back. Unfortunately we didnt find anything again. But since this is the most romantic place in royal city, its time to try and win Light's heart again.
Charli: So Light
Light: huh wha-
Charli: what do we do until the others come back
Light: idk, just wait I guess
Charli: y'know this is the place where people confess their love
Light: uhhhh, o-ok

I leaned closer to light until we were lips away from eachother and I started stroking my fingers in his lavender coloured hair, and staired in his deep galactic eyes. He started shaking and blushing like crazy. This could acctually work. LIGHT WILL FINALLY LOVE ME.
Charli: well, while we're here and no one's around, you know what I wanna do...
Light: w-whats that?
Charli: c'mon light we know eachother too well for you to not know
Light: Charli no, you know I dont-
Charli: *whispers in ear* just this once

So I got closer and closer to his face, I could almost feel his lushious lips already. But as we were about to press our lips together, I heard something in the bushes. Then when me and light looked, Alex, Zach, Drake and Jade were all in the bushes recording us.
Zalex and Drade: kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss
Zach: aww man
Jade: Soooo close
Alex: you guys were too loud
Light: why were you recording us
Drake: incase you try denying your first kiss, well almost first kiss
Alex: it would've been so romantic
Light: whatever, did you guys find anything
Zach: me and Drake found something
Drake: some kind of magic book
Jade: ok, lets see it

We took a look at it and saw all sorts magic spells, and items and creatures. We searched the items chapter of the book and saw the mind control necklace, called the "necklace of damacleez". It was made by a witch in the "castle of azurath" on kollio hill.
Alex: lets go there, maybe thats where the necklace wearer is now
Light: but the teacher says kollio hill is really dangerous, it was cursed with an eternal storm so no one would enter, maybe we shouldnt
Drake: do you wanna save Jaxx or not
Light: *sigh* alright

So we made our way to the kollio hill, but there was lots of thunder and lightning and the wind was very strong. As we ascended the hill the wind tried to push us back and the lightning seemed as if it was targeting us. One of the lightning strikes almost hit Jade as she fell to the ground.
Drake: JADE!! Are you ok
Jade: I almost got hit, but Im ok

We countinued going up the hill. And sooner or later we managed to get to the top of the hill.
Zach: everyone get your weapons out, we dont know what else could attack us

All of us brought out our weapons ready to defend ourself from anything that would harm us. We all quietly entered the castle and slowly made our way to the thrown room. But as soon as we got there, all the doors shut and the windows closed. The boys tried opening them, but they were all locked.
Charli: what do we do now
Jade: be ready for anything

Then we heard someone laughing behind the thrown.
???: hello, nerds
???: nice to see you again
Drake: Who are you, show yourself NOW
Alex: where is our friend
???: your friend? Im sorry to say but...he's my friend now
Zach: what do you mean
???: I'll show you

Then we heard the door open behind us. When the person came into the room we were all shocked. IT WAS JAXX!!! But he looked so different, and he stared at us so emotionlessly.
???: meet your new and improved friend...SHADOW JAXX!!!

How will the squad free Jaxx from the spell and stop the mysterious necklace wearer....
Find out in the next chapter
Until then-



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