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George- What time is it..? Ughh let me check.. *he checks the time* WHAT HOW IS IT ALREADY 2 IN THE AFTERNOON?? I have to hurry I'm gonna be late I'm supposed to meet up with dream!  *George starts to dress upfinally done now I need to eat and quickly rush to the area dream wanted to meet up at. I'm just gonna ask dream if we can vc before I go to that area.             "Hey dream can we vc?" -George    "Sure why not you are my best friend anyways heh" -Dream    "Okay I'll call you right now :)" *George starts to ring dream*   "Hey George what's up what did you need to say to me?" -dream  "nothing actually I just wanted to ask how am I supposed to find you if I don't know how you look like yet?" -George   "Oh Georgie are you that dumb? Of course I'll wear the mask" -dream    "But dream I really want to see your face :(" -George   "Don't worry you will see it soon I promise gogy :)" -dream.  *they both start giggling* "George i think you should go to the place now I really want to see you and I bet you want to see me too heheh" dream said.    "Oh yes I completely  forgot woops hehe" George said softly.  "George you should come now I'm waitingggg" dream giggled.  "Okay okay calm down I'm coming now see ya in about 15 minutes pissbaby" George said while laughing.   "Alright I can't wait, be safe George" -dream  "I will be safe don't worry" George said while rolling his eyes. "Alrighty then see you in a bit :)" dream said while hanging upLittle does George know I bought him new stuff and he can move in, in my house hehe. Anyways I'm acting like I simp ugh * I took a deep breath and waited for George to finally make it.

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