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Chapter 1: ( MEGAN POV )

"GET YOUR LAZY BUTT UP! WE HAVE WORK TODAY! SERIOUSLY, WHO STAYS UP TILL 5:00 AM WATCHING ANIME!" I wake to the sound of my roommate and best friend Cassie screaming.

I groaned and rolled out of my comfortable and warm bed, I wanted to stay in it all day. It was like a warm hug that never ended.



"Finally that asshole on the highway decided to speed up. At least we got here on time." I spoke to myself as I looked over at my best friend who was vibing and dancing in the passenger's seat to the song "unbelievable" by Why Don't We. I shut the car off and she looks at me with a glare that could kill. I just smiled innocently and got out of the car.



I groaned tiredly as I leaned on the counter, struggling to keep my eyes open. The store was empty. Cassie was mumbling something to herself, but I was too tired to pay attention. All of the sudden, the silence was broken by the bell ringing above the door. I looked up to see a tired looking brown haired young man who appeared to not have seen the light of day for about a month. As he  made his way to the counter, I forced myself to be a proper human for this small interaction. 

"Can I get two dragon fruit drinks,  one venti ice pumpkin spice latte with two expressions shots, one pink drink, five cake pops, ten pieces of banana bread,  one mystery drink with the most disgusting items you have, and a cup of water. All sizes venti." The man says with the most unreadable expression.

"Ummmmmmmmm... ok your total will be $46.92." I stood there dumbfounded as I pressed the keys to type in the enormous order. "Can I get a name for the order?"

"RM" he replies as he leaned forward on the counter. He appeared to be looking at my throat. I found this odd, but decided not to pay it any mind.

"Cassie! WE GOT A BIG ONE!" I yelled back to my best friend

"HOW BIG!" She yelled back before laughing. 

"YES!" I yelled back. I looked back at RM, the poor man looked confused as hell.

"Is there a problem with my order?" RM sighed.

"Ah... no!" I responded cautiously. "It might take several minutes though."

"That's fine." RM shrugged, creeping me out more than before.

( RM POV )

I just stared at the cashier. Her name tag read Megan. I heard her heartbeat, it was fast, panicked even. On the other hand, her co worker's sounded normal, she seemed chill. I wanted to tear into their necks, but I knew if I did anything then, Jin would ring my neck and screw my head off.

"Can I get you anything else?" I hear the cashier asked with what appeared to be a fake smile, but I ignored it.

"No thank you. I'm okay" I responded politely, trying not to break character. I could tell she was getting creeped out. Before she could blink I was in the back corner of the cafe.

(What will happen next? Keep reading to find out.  What did RM mean by "breaking character"? Read the next chapter to find out.)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2021 ⏰

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