Books and Kisses

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Request: Would you mind doing a fic where the reader and Donnie bond over books and maybe make out a little. :3 Feel free to do what you will but my Baenatello just needs some love! Please! XD


"Hello, any turtles home?" you sang as you entered the lair of your good friends, the Ninja Turtles. No answer came to you.

Shrugging, you decided to set your backpack in Donnie’s lab. You knew he wouldn’t mind, and it wasn’t like you were like Mikey or Raph, who would get into his stuff and break everything.

Besides, it gave you a reason to be in Donnie’s lab. And you wouldn’t have to deal with Mikey or Raph, as they constantly made fun of you and your crush on Donnie, and they weren’t allowed in his lab without his permission.

"Wow, Donnie’s been busy," you giggled to yourself as various tools and gadgets were spread across his workspace.

As you were placing your backpack under a desk, a rather large book caught your attention. You picked up the book and almost squealed. You cleared off a small area off his desk and sat down, beginning to reread Fellowship of the Ring.

You had been reading for about an hour when someone called out to you, making you jump about two feet in the air.

"Hey, (Y/N). What are you doing here?" Donnie walked in.

"Oh, I was just… uh… putting my stuff in here then I… kinda got… distracted…" you stuttered and held up the book.

Donnie chuckled slightly, “It’s fine.”

"I never knew you liked Lord of the Rings," you sat the book down and got off his desk, walking up beside him.

"Actually, I just started reading it," Donnie smiled sheepishly, "You’re always talking about how great of a series it is, so I thought I would read the books."

"You started reading it because of me?" You blushed. Donnie was such a cutie, and you had a thing for the nerdy type. Him saying this made your heart flutter.

"I mean, if you like it, it has to be good! You have a great taste in books," the purple clad turtle continued.

"Aw, Donatello, stop it! You’re making me blush!" you giggled, slapping his arm playfully.

"I’m just speaking the truth, (Y/N)," Donnie patted your head.

"So… who’s your favorite character so far?" You decided to strike up some conversation.

"I haven’t really gotten that far in the book to decide who my favorite is yet," Donnie sat down at his desk, leaning back in his chair, "Who is yours?"

"You may not have met him yet, but Samwise Gamgee. He’s such a cutie! And Sean Astin plays him in the movie. I swoon everytime," you pretended to swoon, but accidentally lost your balance.

Donnie shot up out of his chair and caught you. You grabbed onto his arms and your cheeks turned bright red.

"Wow, how cute is this guy?" Donnie joked.

"Well, he’s not as cute as a certain someone I know…" you stated rather shyly.

"Oh… I didn’t know you had a crush on someone," Donnie helped you stand up straight and let go of you. You felt bad, as he was the one you had a crush on, but he didn’t realize it.

"Y-Yeah…" you held your hands together. You and Donnie stood there awkwardly.

"What’s he like?" Donnie continued.

"He’s kinda like Sam. He’s sweet, adorable, and a little bit of a dork. In a good way that is. In addition he’s really smart," you looked back up at Donnie, hoping he would get the hint.

"He seems nice," Donnie gave you a sad smile, sitting back down, "I hope you end up with him."

You sighed and sat on the desk in front of him, “You aren’t getting it, Donatello.”

"What do you mean?" Donnie raised an eye ridge.

"Its you, Donatello! The guy I have a crush on is you!" you threw your arms up in the air.

"Wait… what? Really?" Donnie’s eyes widened, and you could see the corners of his mouth beginning to turn upwards.

"Yeah, really… You kinda remind me of Samwise, and he’s been my fictional crush since forever, but then I met you, and I developed a crush on you and-" you were cut off as you were pulled off the desk, and onto Donnie’s lap. He pressed his lips against yours, and rested his hands on your waist.

You closed your eyes as the shock wore off, and placed your hands on his arms, feeling his muscles and kissing him back.

You and Donnie must have been like this for who knows how long, only pulling away for air when necessary, just to go back to kissing each other passionately. Your make out session ended quickly when you heard someone enter.

"Don, can I borrow- HOLY CRAP! LEO, RAPH, IT FINALLY HAPPENED!" Mikey walked in, and the two of you pulled away quickly.

"MIKEY GET OUT OF MY LAB!" Donnie shouted, grabbing an old textbook and throwing it in Mkkey’s direction.

Mikey shrieked and ran out screaming, “DONNIE AND (Y/N) WERE MAKING OUT IT FINALLY HAPPENED!”

"That was so embarrassing," you groaned, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Ah don’t worry about him," Donnie kissed your neck, making you blush even more, "We can always go back to your place."

Donnie x Reader ficsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora