"Alright. Bye bye [Y/N]~Chan!" Oikawa said before walking out the room. Iwaizumi then sat down on the sofa before patting the seat next to him, signaling [Y/N] to sit down with him. The [H/C] haired boy then sat down next to the wing spiker before he let out a sigh.

"So what do you want to know?" [Y/N] asked.

"What made you become [L/N] Yui?" Iwaizumi asked before [Y/N] nodded.

"[L/N] Yui is my twin sister. She's only a few seconds younger than me. Yui was the better liked twin by everyone in our family. I was more of the outcast of the family but Yui loved me."

 ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━✶━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ 

"[Y/N]!" A [H/C] haired girl with twin tails called out to the boy who was currently laying in his bed.

"Hmm..." [Y/N] hummed as his sister barged into the room.

"What's wrong?" She asked as she crawled on to his bed.

"Dad called me useless again and told me I'm a freak and mom told me I should be more like you." [Y/N] said as he sat up and frowned.

"Don't listen to them [Y/N]. They don't understand you and they're just stupid." Yui said but that didn't make the other twin feel any better.

"Listen. Just because we have the same face doesn't mean we're the same person. We're all different and unique and that's what makes us who we are." Yui said as [Y/N] looked at her.

"When we get older, we'll leave everyone here behind. What kind of family are they is they don't love their own son?" Yui said as she held both of [Y/N]'s hands and rested her forehead on his.

"We'll take off and leave all of them behind!" Yui smiled which caused [Y/N] to smile as well.

"I feel like we're being selfish by doing that."

"Who cares. I didn't like them anyways." Yui laughed.

 ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━✶━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ 

"So you and Yui were very close." Iwaizumi said as [Y/N] nodded.

"She was the only person who understood me and loved me for who I was." [Y/N] said.

"But why did your family like Yui better than you?" Iwaizumi asked as [Y/N] took a deep breath.

"It was mainly because of the fact that Yui was more extroverted and optimistic, plus she persued many impressive hobbies such as ballet, playing the piano and many more things. I found an interest in puppetry and I was an introvert." [Y/N] said as he looked down.

"So your family just wanted a pair of twins who could accomplish a bunch of shit." Iwaizumi said as [Y/N] nodded.

"They had many high standards for both of us. But it is only expected from a wealthy family. I never met any of their standards...But Yui did. I was happy for her, she was achieving so much. She could have left me behind and done so much more but she chose to stay back for me." [Y/N] smiled as he hugged a pillow.

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