I love you jared

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Y/ns pov:
Flicking through my phone I delete all the photos of me and this mysterious blonde boy. Was he really my boyfriend? My phone was blowing up with texts from people who where saying I was their friend.
About 20 minutes past and the doctor came into my room
"How are you y/n can you remember anything?"
"Well I remember my mum and her name now!"
"That's amazing y/n "
"Doctor who is that blonde boy who comes and sits In my room with my mum crying"
"Y/n darling he's your boyfriend his name is Tommy "
"But I don't remember him all I can find is photos of me and him tho"
"Y/n I'm sure you will be able to get your full memory back soon"

3 weeks later:
"Hey y/n how are you today remember anything new?"
"Yes actually that blonde boy wasn't my boyfriend (toxic ex's name (now called jared)) was! "
The blonde boy then stepped into my room his under eye bags extremely dark
"Y/n he's your ex he abused you before I met you"
"How do I know that wasn't you"
"I would never abuse you y/n jared was the one that put you in the hospital "
"Doctor pls make sure this blonde boy is never aloud back in my room"
(Your abusive exes name is now Jared because yea)

Tommy's pov:
Why is my life like this
I love her so fucking much why can't She remember that.

Jareds POV:
Hey y/no mum I'm here to visit y/n she texted me saying she remembered me.
"Don't you fucking dare go near my daughter "
"Why she is my girlfriend after all"
"Yea tommy was her toxic ex well that's how she remembers it "
"Your sick"
I slap her then and there, then left texting y/n to let her know I can't make it

2 months later:
"Good news your finally aloud to leave!"
"Thank god "

As my mum pulled into the drive way I started to remember my twitch channel yet I promised Jared I wouldn't continue with that silly hobby.
Yet I remember it as my passion

"Mum I remember my friend niki so I'm going to go see her for a few days to see if it helps me remember some stuff"
"Okay hunny be very careful "
I walked out the house and texted Jared that I was going to meet him at the local cafe


Me:hey I'll meet you at the cafe
Jared<3:okay y/n
Me:I love you Jared
Jared<3:ily too

I sat down at a table waiting for Jared when I say the blonde boy yet for some reason when I look at him I feel a rush of lust.
Yet when I look at Jared I feel sick but my head tells me I love him.
The blonde boy started to approach me

"Hey y/n who you waiting for"
"My boyfriend "
He then walked of a tear falling down his cheek
After waiting for a while Jared showed up
"Hey baby"
"Hey Jared "
"What do you want to drink"
"I'll have a cappuccino please "
"Okay baby"

The boy next door (tommyxreader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora