ch.11 : i miss you

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authors note: hi so so sorry if there's any spelling mistakes !

also don't forget to read the authors note below !

i woke up and felt the body heat of jaden. she was wrapped in my arms , sleeping peacefully. i carefully got up from my bed , grabbed my phone , and made my way down the hall into the bathroom.

once i finished brushing my teeth i put my hair up in a messy bun and made my way into the kitchen. i made a toasted bagel with cream cheese + some orange juice , and ate it as i stood at the kitchen island scrolling through instagram. after a couple minutes of me eating i felt arms wrap around my waist.

"come back to bed" jaden mumbled against my back in a raspy , sleepy tone.

"i'll be right there , j" i said as i sipped some of my orange juice.

her grip on my waist got tighter as she turned me around to face me. she pecked my lips before speaking.

"sooo." she began. "are you my girlfriend now?" she asked me with a small smile.

"jaden i said we would talk about it another time alright?" i said in a somewhat annoyed tone.

she let go of me and her smile quickly turned to a frown.

"okay you know what? i can't do this anymore monty , i'm sorry." she said in a defeated tone walking back to my room.

"what are you talking about?" i asked her fallowing her down the hall.

"this , us , everything montgomery. you're playing with my feelings and i'm not gonna deal with that alright? call me when you've finally made up your mind." she said as she quickly grabbed her stuff from  my room. she then passed by me and left my apartment , slamming the door behind her.

i stood there in shock of what the hell just happened. was she really mad about something so little? god. we just made things right and now she's acting like a child. or..was.. i acting like a child?

i was snapped out of my thoughts when i heard a knock at the front door. i opened it to see tory who had a look of worry and concern plastered all over her face.

"hey..uh is everything okay?" she started. "i saw jaden walk out and she looked upset."

"yeah she's just been on my ass everyday , asking if we're like girlfriends and shit." i said as i gestured tory to come inside. i closed and locked the door behind me and made my way to tory.

she sat down on the couch and turned to face me as i sat down next to her.

"soo you guys aren't together? or are you guys just fuck buddies?" tory asked me with a slight smirk.

"nah , i guess we're just hanging out i guess." i said as i slouched back on the couch.

it was silent for a moment.

"i miss you." tory blurted out.

i sat up straight and looked straight into her beautiful hazel eyes.

"what?" i asked her.

"i miss you so much montgomery." she said as she grabbed my hands and placed them on her knees with both of us holding hands.

we stared into each other's eyes for a moment before i spoke up and broke the silence.

"i miss you too , tory." i whispered.

she squeezed my hand lightly and gave me a small smile.

"i wanna start over with you , and make it right this time." she said as she stared deeply into my eyes.

me and you , tory. Where stories live. Discover now