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It was an Ordinary day in Rivendell. Elrond was in his study going through some paper work while his wife was in the play room with their daughter Arwen. Around noon there is a knock on Elrond's door and he stands up. "Come in" Three of his Soldiers comes in "Is something wrong?" Elrond asks the Soldiers. "We're scouting the woods as you told us and we found something" Elrond looked at them Curious "Well what did you find? One of the soldiers was standing behind the two others and when they moved away he walked up to Elrond. In that moment Elrond relaises the soldier is holding a tiny baby in her arms. "We found her abandoned in the woods, no parents to be found. Elrond just looked at her in awe. "Bring her to me" Elrond walks closer to the soldier and the soldiers hands Elrond the baby. Elrond looks down at her and sees she's only a few days old. "My Lord what will you do" "Me and My wife will raise as our own, i know Celébrian will say yes.

She did and they named her Galadhien, After Celébrian's Mother Galadriel.


It's April 6th and on that day everyone in the shire can hear the screams coming from the Gamgee house. Bell Gamgee is giving birth to her fifth child. All she can do is scream and her husband Hamfast is by her side. "Push love, push!" Bell finally does and it that moment the baby. the nurse that's helping them smiles "It's a boy!" They laugh happily but Bell is not done it. the nurse screams out "You have one more baby coming, you're having twins" Bell starts to screams and pushes as much as she can and after a few more pushes the second baby comes out. "It's a girl" The nurse gives the boy to Hamfast and the girl to Bell. Hamfast turns to Bell "What should we name them?" Bell smiles "Samwise and Grace" Hamfast smiles "It's Perfect" Their twins are healthy and safe.

a new lotr fanfic! i'm so exicted for this book. And i hope you will love Galandhien and Grace as much as i do.

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