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tearing it down in their wake and basking everything in a golden glow

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tearing it down in their wake and basking everything in a golden glow.

It eats away at wood, weaving into the Mushroom, ashes clouding the sky.

No room for regret now.

The fire reflects in the boy's blue eyes, flames swirling around as he stares into their depths.

He doesn't regret it, not yet, at least. The house was built during a time when people were dying. It deserved this.

But it's just a house.

"Should we put it out?"


"Are you sure? It could spread."

"I said no, Ranboo."

The two-toned boy nods, "Right, yeah okay. Sorry."

Tommy's still as the fire eats away at George's house. Or should he say the new king's house? He grips the lighter tightly in his hand, a flame bursting at the tip. Tommy grabs a stick on the ground next to him, lighting it on fire and chucking it at George's house.

He wanted to watch it burn, all of it. He wanted nothing left except the ashes.

Ranboo watches, concern in his eyes. He wasn't sure what was going on inside Tommy's head. He wasn't even sure why he was here. All he did was offer Tommy an allium. The next thing he knew, he was being dragged here.

There wasn't much else he could do other than go along with Tommy. After all, Tommy insisted it was only a prank. It was all a joke. George wouldn't care.

But the look on Tommy's face said more than that.

There was more to this than just some prank, but it wasn't Ranboo's place to ask.

Tommy throws the lighter into the fire for good measure and turns on his heels storming off.

Ranboo follows close behind, glancing behind him every now and then. He would get some water from the pond in front of George's house, but it was too risky.

The community house is seen on the horizon, the lake glistening in front of it.

"Go home, Ranboo," Tommy said.


Tommy looks at him, and Ranboo quickly looks away. He doesn't like being looked at.

"Go home and lay low," Tommy said. "Don't do anything stupid."

Ranboo wants to ask more, but Tommy is already walking away from him.

The Enderboy frowns.


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