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The same ability that Bradley and Gaga had to attract each other when they were close, they had to repel each other when they were far away. After that night, there was no message, no call or any attempt to resolve whatever they were still up to.

Bradley believed that he had been wrong again, it would be nothing new, he thought. Early in his career he met a woman who thought it would be his life's love and was not. It was 5 months of marriage. The worst of his life or both, a troubled break-up and an unfriendly post-relationship. Wounds from this relationship are recorded in a book written by his ex. Then came other relationships that he chose not to publicly declare. Nothing that lasted that long, even though they were important. Perhaps something out of the ordinary could bring what he had lacked in previous relationships and that was how he started dating an 18-year-old girl. A somewhat improbable relationship in the eyes of the people around, but it brought the youthfulness he needed and it gave him the security and maturity that she lacked. It looked like it was going to work, but it came to an end after two years and the reason was obvious, the different phases in which they were both.

Bradley was never a guy who thought he should be in a status relationship, he always took the opportunities and that meant doing whatever it took, being single for long months or starting a relationship a month after breaking up with his last girlfriend, that it didn't matter as long as he thought he was happy or living his life in the best way. And that's how he started his walk with model Irina Shayk, both of whom were single for a short time. Irina had ended a troubled relationship with player Cristiano Ronaldo and after everything that happened, lies and betrayals she was not interested in getting into relationships anytime soon. However, life plays tricks. She met Bradley through mutual friends and there was a mutual interest.

Bradley thought, why not invest? And so they started a union and both did not care to show how much they were interested in each other. They were constantly caught exchanging caresses. Unlike her previous relationship, Irina was independent and mature. A strong woman, who had a difficult childhood and struggled to be where she was. Bradley admired her. A few months after they were dating, he moved into her apartment. Would he finally have found the woman he hoped to start his family with? Despite the solid and mature relationship, the passion at the beginning of the relationship had cooled and personal differences were accentuated. Looking back on Bradley, he would never regret living what he lived with Irina. It was just him looking at the fruit of their relationship, his daughter, that he felt that despite having made a mistake, he had been right. Since Lea's birth, Bradley has been absent due to his new project and from that moment on they both felt that the differences between them would be irreconcilable. It was only a matter of time before they realized that even Lea could not hold them together. Their unhappiness as a couple was not fair. There was no drama, no fighting, just sadness in both of them for having failed as a family unit.

Gaga's love life was equally troubled. After Bradley left her, she dropped him on the list of men who broke her heart. He would be just one more. Gaga had many men in her life and like Bradley's relationships, some were part of her story and others did not come out to the public. The first man that Gaga thought would be the only one, was Luc Carl, between comings and goings before and after fame, Gaga went so far as to declare that she would never love anyone as she loved him. For the irony of life, Gaga met Taylor during the recording of You and I, a song that was inspired by Luc. Their relationship was basically what Gaga had been looking for, passion, love and companionship. However, their professional lives forced them to take different paths. It was a difficult break, it wasn't just dating, it was an engagement. They still kept in touch for a long time, including Taylor attended her at some shows. The singer's own message left on her social network showed that they were completely open to reconciliation. Then Carino came and offered her love. The relationship between Gaga and Carino was different from the others, not better, not worse, just different. Gaga had no doubts about his love, Carino made it clear that there was adoration for her. Gaga had not completely detached herself emotionally from Taylor, but Carino was there, present and being the man she needed. There was an engagement, but there was also another breakup.

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