Theo took another puff. "That's not how the world works though, is it?" He didn't shake off her hand.

Ginny shook her head. "But now I know to keep my daft opinions to myself and try and get to know other people before judging them." She hesitated, mouth open before carrying on.

"I've just sat down and had tea with Pansy."

Theo jerked his head to ogle at her before schooling his expression into one indifference.

"That must have been lovely, I do hope she complimented the house decor, especially the lovely bint hung in the main room that screams at everyone."

Ginny pressed her lips together to keep from smiling and Theo shook from repressed laughter.

"It's not like we gave you any reason to trust us, really," he replied after he's reigned his emotions back in. "We just showed up after years of being on opposite sides. I shouldn't have been so surprised when you didn't trust us."

"I suppose you thought your charm would work it's magic on us."

"It's worked in every other part of my life." His tone was bitter.

Ginny sighed and laid her head on his arm. "You're so much more than what you let people see." She glanced up at him and Theo looked to her as the tension released from his body. "I want to make sure everyone knows it. I want to help make sure the Order becomes a home to everyone who's looking for refuge— especially the Slytherins."

Draco was back in the bedroom, staring at the ground and trying not to think about the waves of emotions in his stomach. That was the thing about memories, they were always swimming with feelings and he always thought that was the hardest part about invading someone's mind. They couldn't hide anything. They were vulnerable. Theo has willingly let him feel all of it.

He gave Theo a tight look, clenching his jaw. "She got all that just from binding to you?"

Theo raised his eyebrows. "You punched me in the kitchen when I tried to separate you from Granger, yet you're telling me that conversation is hard to believe?"

Draco locked his eyes on the bedpost to his right. "Thinking I want to be near someone and pretending like I understand them is not the same thing."

Theo shrugged. "I guess not. You don't even understand yourself."


Theo woke Draco the next morning by throwing a bottle of shampoo at his head.

"Still upset about last night?" Draco grit, rubbing at the bump forming on his forehead.

"We're meeting on the roof in half an hour for your first dueling session. Wear appropriate attire."

Draco rolled his eyes. "I've left my dress robes at home, do you think I'll have time to fetch them?"

"With all the fancy parties you attend on behalf of Tom, it might not be a bad idea to practice in them."

Draco raised his eyebrows and swung his feet off the side of his bed. "How do you know about those?"

Everyone knew about the revels. But the parties. Not even all Death Eaters were aware those went on.

Theo shot a sparkling smile towards him. "I've missed you, Drakie. I was sure to keep tabs on you."

"How many spies does the Order have?"

Theo leant against the doorframe, feigning nonchalance in the way that made Draco want to strangle him. "Does Tom have something to be worried about? Loyalty is so hard to find these days."

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