Cry For Love | BaekHera

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Once upon a time, there was a man. He was a very private person who couldn't seem to speak out his feelings because he was very hesitant. Then came the girl. She was very beautiful and very kind. The two of them fell in love.

The woman loved the man very much and after years of their relationship, she had wanted to be with him forever, but she was very patient.

The man was a different story for he was not so expressive with his feelings. The man dearly loved the woman too and wanted to be with her forever buy he could not ask her for he felt that he was undeserving of her and that she deserved someone who could express his love for her without any problems.

The girl reassures him always to the point where he was slowly accepting it and slowly progressing and developing. Then the day came when he thought that he can now ask her to marry him and be with him for as long as they live, until he received a call.

It was his lover's number so he eagerly replied but the voice he heard was from a different person. The unknown person told him that the girl was in and when he saw her, he cried and cried for her.

He deeply regretted that he had not told her much sooner and thought that he could never love someone the way he loved her and how no else could understand him the way she did.

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