Chapter 2

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It was now it was almost time for Harry to come get me and I began to get a little nervous. I was wearing a pair black high wasted shoes with black tights with a design on them under it and wore a black tank top that was tight and ended short so you could see some of my stomach with a colorful tribal print on it. I wore my long dark brown hair down with loose curls in them. I wore some makeup but not too much,just enough eye makeup to make my dark blue eyes stand out and for shoes i wore a pair of black combat boots.

The doorbell rang and I was in no hurry to answer it. I got to the door and Harry stood there with a smile on his face.

"You look beautiful." he said then grabbed my hand and lead me to the car. The car right was thankfully short but awkwardly quite. When we got to the restaurant I tried to get out of the car but it was locked.

"Harry?" I asked as I noticed him staring off in the distance. His jaw was clenched and he looked angry.

"Can we please just have a good time tonight ?" he asked kind of scaring me.

I nodded not sure what to say back and he smiled then got out of the car.

A few hours later we were done with our meal and Harry told me we were going to a club.

We arrived at the club and the place was packed. Harry grabbed my hand once we got through past the bouncer and lead me through the crowd to his VIP box where a few other guys were sitting.

"This is Lauren." Harry said introducing me to everyone. I smiled and waved then sat down next to Harry.

"I'm going to go get us some drinks." he yelled in my ear and I nodded then watched him walk off.

I sat there humming to myself because the song that was blasting was very catchy.

After a few minutes of sitting by myself one of Harry's friends named Alex came and sat next to me.

"So your Harry's new girl?" he asked and I didn't say anything.

"You deserve better than him." Alex said getting closer to me. I got up disgusted and tried to go find Harry. Right as I saw his back towards me someone put their hands around me.

"Your coming with me."

Alex brought me to the back of the club and began trying to feel me up.

"Your so sexy babe." he said rubbing dangerously high up my thigh.

"Harry!!" I shouted hoping somehow he could here me. Alex put his hand over my mouth and looked angry.

"Shutup bitch." he said then hit my face.

"Let her go." I heard a voice say. I opened my eyes and saw Harry. Alex stepped back and began shaking his head.

"She wants me dude." he said and Harry brushed past him and looked at my face where he hit me.

"Are you okay?" he asked me and I nodded. He grabbed my hand and put me behind him like he was trying to protect me.

Harry and Alex began arguing then Harry threw the first punch which made Alex go out the door in the back of the club.

"Stay here." Harry said and I nodded and did as I was told, well to some extent.

I heard loud bangs and cursing and got nervous so I peaked out the window to see what was going on. Harry was on top of Alex punching the living day lights out of him. If he dosnt stop he is going to kill him.

"Harry stop!" I yelled but he ignored me. I went up and put my hand on his shoulder.

"I said for you to wait in side Lauren." he said then got off of Alex who's face was bloody.

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