Monumen Nasional ( Monas )

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Hello everybody my name is Iko Cahyono, and I will describe a place that I think is good and I am comfortable in there. That place is National Monument or also called Monas.

The National Monument or usually called as Monas is located in Central Jakarta, Indonesia. This obelisk was built in 1961 with the purpose to commemorate the struggle and fight of the people in Indonesia to achieve their independence. It was opened to the public in 1 975.

The National Monument is a rectangular tower with the height of 132 meters. The typical part of the building that became a special characteristic of it is the flame shape covered with gold foil located on the top of the tower. There is a museum at the base part of the tower with the size of 80 x 80 meters. Everyone can visit the museum to learn the history of Indonesia. There is also an amphitheater in this building called Ruang Kemerdekaan, it is located in the "cup" part of Monas and it can be reached by using spiral stairs at the north and south doors. If you go to the southern side of the building, you will find an elevator that can be use to access the top platform where we will find the observation deck and also the flame of independence.

In the end, Monas is a great place to visit. Because besides being able to travel, we can also get to know a little about the history of our country, Indonesia, through the information displayed on every corner of the building. In addition, to be able to enter Monas does not require expensive and relatively affordable ticket costs.

I think that all of that I can describe about Monas, thank you for reading :)

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