Chapter 1

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When I wake up this morning I feel as if something has happened. Something bad. I pull on a shirt and my jeans and step out of my room. It is when I reach the first step of the staircase when I am certain that I shouldn't be listening. Mum is muttering sarcastically under her breath and Dad is opening and slamming cupboard doors shut. They never fight, so this must be bad, very bad. One half of me feels like going down a few more steps just to hear what it's all about. But I follow my other half. I run back to my room and search for my door key.

When I find it, I notice how rusty it is. It's guarded by a dead fly, I flick it off my chest of drawers and head for the door. I stop infront of my window. Matthew is stood outside my garden. I don't want to see him now. Not after the other day. I lock my old door and pull my curtains. Matthew isn't looking at me or my house. Perhaps he doesn't even want to see me? Idiot.


I forgot to get a snack. I'm going to have to sneak into the kitchen sooner or later if I want to stay up here all day. I hear another door slamming. The front door!  The kitchen might be empty! No... the kettle is boiling. Ugh.

I jump on my bed and shove the key back in the chest. I hear the front door opening and, expecting to hear Dad, I get a shock. Mrs Gold is here and Mum is offering her a cup of green tea. She isn't supposed to be here! I grab the key and unlock my door. Tip toeing to the top of the stairs I hear the dining room chairs being pulled out and the screech of the door closing. I'll have to get closer if I want to hear anything now.

I need to sneeze. If I sneeze now, they will hear me, but if I run upstairs they will hear my footsteps. I need to hold it in. My eyes start to squint as my nose feels like it is about to explode. All of a sudden, I feel like the desire to sneeze has gone. Phew. Nope. Mum stops talking and approaches the door. Well that's that for becoming a proffesional spy! "Is everything alright Claire?" Mum glares at me like she is sending me a message through her 'bigger than ever' eyes. She turns back to Mrs Gold and smiles a very sarcastic smile, I stutter, knowing that if I mess this up... there are no excuses. "Yes uhh I was just coming to get a biscuit."

"Well that is rather rude!"

What? How is that rude!? Oh I guess she is trying to make it look like I am an uncontrollable child in front of Mrs Gold so that she doesn't look like the idiot with me as a child!

"Oh no, don't worry! I had a biscuit earlier Claire, it's alright." Mrs Gold says sympathetically.

Oh. Well I would have offered Mrs Gold one if I wasn't in such a rush! I've messed up very badly. Grabbing a biscuit and speed walking to the door of the stairs, I almost bump Mum's tea off the table! I can sense her eyes glaring at my shoulder bones waiting for me too look over my shoulder. I'm not going to.

And now I've lost my door key! This day is going well! Maybe it's on my window cill? No, how about my.. wait. Matthew is looking through the front door! Should I go downstairs? I wonder if Mum has noticed yet.

There it is! In the door lock! A weird rustling is coming from outside my window and I can hear a strange whining sounds chorusing with the leaves. Oh god. I think Matthew is climbing up the tree.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2015 ⏰

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