13th August 4008

56 1 0

Today, Dad took me to his lab. It was cool! There were so many chemical departments and that's why I wasn't allowed to eat my sandwich in there, I think! One of Dad's co-workers yelled at me when I took it out of my bag. I don't ever want to see her again! I'm home now and I wanted to write about something really badly, so I told Dad that Mrs Gold had given me homework that I had forgotten to do. I never get homework! That's a good thing because I've heard that people in school get loads of it so that's one reason why I don't want to go to a school. Anyway, what I wanted to write about was this: I think I have a plan for working out why none of Earth's resources are reaching us (Mars). Here is my plan:

1. Sneak into Dad's lab. (I know it will be locked  but I'll  think of something)

2. Look on his computer and see if there are any clues (I know I'm not good on a computer but I can work it out)

3. Write down everything I find in here ( I don't need to write anything in brackets here because I know I can write!)

4. Try and work out a way that I can get Earth to communicate with Mars in a better way.

Mum is calling me down because Mrs Gold is here. Great.

I'll write tommorow bye!!

Claire xx

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