Chapter 1: Family

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A life full of mistakes and regrets, is a life far honorable than having done nothing at all...

And you'd better believe Shota carried many regrets...

3rd Person

Perched atop the roof of an apartment complex, a man clad in odd black clothing with a long white fabric resembling a scarf, was sitting on the edge. He stared off into the distance, his eyes looking far beyond the massive cityscape that was Musustafu Japan, he gazed beyond that and looked at the lush green forest that hid behind all the skyscrapers and Hero Angencies. It looked like a hidden gem in this area, one that reminded him of bittersweet memories he'd longed to relive, memories he'd wished to forget, but memories he'd treasure forever...

He layed down on the cold concrete surface, his face scrunched up and twitching as he tried to remember his younger years with the one, the love of his life. One that he let go of to pursue his career in Heroics, the one that would forever haunt his life until the day he died, Shota Aizawa would never admit it openly. But deep down in his heart, he would never get over that woman, the one who managed to bring meaning to his life, the one who'd encourage him time and time again.

Words couldn't express how much he hated himself for letting go of her, how he was disappointed in himself to have let someone else get to her before he could. What's worse is that it wasn't just somebody random who'd married her, but one of his closest friends had also felt for her the same way, Shota could never say it out loud. That he wasn't angered on how Hisashi Midoriya managed to win her over, how he plucked the one good thing in his life away because he was too scared to tell her how he felt.

Everyday he'd kill a part of himself to keep going forward with his life, a part of him that could have been much more, but was now gone forever in his eyes. Nobody could compare to her, nobody could replace her, because there was just no woman...

Like Inko Shigaraki...

"Urgh... God, what is that smell?"

Out of nowhere, an odd and disgusting smell that was reminiscent of gasoline suddenly filled the air, Shota pinched his nose and tried not to sniff the scent again. He stood up and looked around, this smell had to have come from somewhere, the stench left a taste in his mouth that was worse than the smell itself. "What let this God awful smell exist?" Irritation evident in his tone, it didn't take long for Shota to find the source of the smell, somewhere off in the distance, fumes of smoke rose up into the sky.

A massive fire raged on and burned brightly in the distance, upon closer examination, he saw that the flames erupted on the overpass, hundreds of cars were clumped up. Getting consumed by the fire, "Shit!" he yelled, Aizawa leaped off the rooftop and landed onto another, he jumped from building to building and tried to get to the highway as fast a possible. As he free-ran his way to the overpass, explosions would combust and giant balls of fire would burst forth following the explosion.

Shota could feel the hot fire on his skin as he reached the burning and ruined overpass, there were still civilians running away, and civilians trapped within the fire. Wasting no time he ran straight into the fire, the heat searing his whole body, searching through the destruction, he saw many people huddled close together.

"Hey, over here!"

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