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A few hours later and around 400 people make it through  before the elevator just stopped coming, I felt a different blood lust this time.. it was calmer but still quite vulgar, a weird looking man introduced himself as Mr Satotz but once again I was too focused on that bloodlust to care, he was basically saying welcome and to simply follow him to the next phase but even though the blood lust wasn't directed at me I could still pin point the person responsible in mere seconds, I look over at the source to see a tall man in a green outfit with weird hair and pins all over his face and clothing, he was speaking with that Hisoka guy when all of everyone started walking, following that Mr Satotz guy with a mustache for a mouth so I decide to follow aswell, after  little bit the odd instructor man increased his speed and that continued as time went on. After maybe an hour people were starting to drop like flies, honestly what weakling they really think they could be a hunter, however for me this is easy, my grandfather made me go through some pretty intense training to prepare for this very moment.

I was pretty close to the front of the front just in my own thoughts when I felt the presence of someone behind me.. it wasn't a good presence, quite intimidating actually.. I quite turn and send a punch to whoever was behind me but was whoever it was caught my punch, I look up to see a smirking jester. "Now that's pretty rude~" he says squeezing my fist, I focus my aura in my hand and using my ability to push his hand off of mine, I rip my sore hand away before running off leaving an surprised yet intrigued Hisoka, "what a weirdo.." I mumble "You've got that right, while you were talking to that Tonpa guy he turned another mans arms into flower petals"  a girl with blue hair and a large yellow hat says beside, "Oh he did?" I ask sort of startled by her sudden appearance "Yeah the man just bumped into him without apologizing and he just turned his arms into flower petals, by the way I'm Ponzu, nice to meet you" She replies "Oh its Y/n.. nice to meet you too" I nervously laugh, we continue running for hours until we reach some stairs. All of a sudden I see that boy from earlier and a white haired boy run past us, we shortly arrived at the top to them arguing, after maybe ten minutes the instructor spoke as the tunnel closed with like thirty less contestants, "The Milsey Wetlands also known as Swindlers Swamp, we must cross it to reach phase two of the exam, this place is home to a variety of truly bizarre animals, many of which are crafty varcicious creatures who deceive and feast on human prey. So please be very careful, if you're deceived you'll surely die." Mr Satotz says introducing this foggy and ominous forest behinde him "Its known as swindlers swamp because every organism in the ecosystem hunts by deception, now then please follow me closely so you wont be deceived." Everyone takes a minute to think "Pffhh is he messing with us? If we know they'll try to deceive us who's gonna fall for it" Leorio chuckles "Dont fall for it!" A man crys out while everyone turns to him with shock "Listen didn't I just say that we won't." Leorio scartically replies to the unknown man "Don't let them fool you.. hes lying! That man is lying to you! Hes an imposter you got it! A total fraud, I'm the real examiner!" This beaten and tattered unknown man appears, everyone talks amoung them selves discussing who the real examiner is, personally I think it's the original Mr Satotz because if that was a real hunter examiner he wouldn't have been defeated by such minuscule animal deceivers and something like this seems set up and pretty poorly at that by a creature of this forest, but I guess the real answer will be revealed shortly. "I'll prove it look at this!" The man claiming to be the real examiner says as he pulls out the carcass of a creature that resembles Mr Satotz as everyone gasps "Oh wow he looks like Mr Satotz!" Gon exclaims "This is a man faced ape from the Milsey wetlands" that man explains "A man faced what?-" Leorio questions "The man faced ape loves the taste of human flesh, but their limbs are really long and thin so they're actually quite weak, that's why they disguise themselves as humans, they trick us into following them into the wetlands where they work together with other creatures to kill and eat us, that's what he wants! To deceive the entire hunter exam applicant pool and feist on everyone of you!" The man claims as he points at an unamused arm Satotz "Bastard.." Leorio mumbles "Oh yeah? Well that would certainly explain why he doesn't walk like a normal human" Hanzo adds on when all of a sudden three cards shoot towards Mr Satotz and that mysterious man. Mr Satotz actually catches the cards while the cards impale the accuser, everyone gasps and stares at Hisoka who's already smirking while the fake imposters body drops to the floor dead

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