Chapter One - The Reborn

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*Authors Note*

All rights to Coraline belong to Neil Gaiman and
Laika Pandemonium Films, the only character I own is Cora Jones, I just love the coraline book so much I have Been wanting to write a sequal for a while to sent my own mind at ease, hope you enjoy please leave a comment and like.

Love Kelly

The lights flickered on and off, as the house was Slient it had been 8 years since since the door had been opened, Coraline was now 19 and nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

Miss Spink and Miss Forcible still stayed in the apartment downstairs while Mr Bobo had Moved on, his Jumping Mice Circus finally taking off.

Coraline and her Family still stayed the same Appartment in the Pink Palace, Her Parents now Successful Writers.

Wybie still stayed far away But his grandma had allowed him to visit coraline Regularly After she found out the Beldam was Defeated All was Well.

Until one cold winters night, when the door started rattling again, Beatles, Cocoraoches, and all sorts of bugs began emerging from behind the door

Quickly making thier way up the walls. And towards the front door, crawling down the slippery slopes and into the Forrest coming to a hault at the old well.

Joining together, they slowly start making thier way down the well. Inch by inch getting closer towards the bag Coraline threw away all those years ago.

Once they had reterved the bag, they made thier way back towards the house, using parts the other mothers hand they push the key into the key hole turning it as the door opened and the blue black and purple tunnel  slowly came back to life again.

The door slowly creeped closed the closer they got towards the other mother locking itself, and disappearing behind the wallpaper almost as if it was trying to stay hidden.

The bugs made thier way into the other realm and past the spiders web and along the wall to find the other mother sitting in a corner weeping.

Placing the key infront of her and quickly scurrying away, slowly she looks up, she had sent these creatures to the other world multiple times before but each time they came back empty handed. Her magic was growing weak she needed a childs soul.

Her face was faded, cracked and broken bits and pieces falling onto the ground her clothes tattered and torn, she slowly gets up walking towards the Bundle they left before her.

She slowly reaches out for it, she couldn't see it but she could feel it, she felt the keys presence calling out to her like a long lost friend, she hadn't seen in years, instantly her hand begins to reform attaching itself to her body her sight was coming back she was getting stronger.

She gets up dragging her legs towards the other side of the realm, the little bit that was left, her desk.

"Coraline..." she mutters

"Coraline, I Will get you but how..." she hisses

Placing her hands on her desk, moving her hands over the open draws, she finds what she's looking for Full of dust and cobwebs from all these years she blows gentally against her crystal Ball.

"Show me the other side of the door" she mutters into the ball

"show me Coraline Jones..."

Coraline 2 - Return of The BeldamWhere stories live. Discover now