Chapter 5

26 3 4

July 1st, 2021

*7:00 a.m.*

Cailyn's Pov.

After we got back to our room, we got ready for the day. I put on blue ripped jean shorts with a silver chain on one side, after, I put on a white tank top and slipped on my flat plaid shoes. I then quickly put on a light coat of makeup and lastly I but on some jewelry. I then go over to see if Daphne is ready.

Daphne's Pov. 

Once inside our room, I went into my room and got dressed. I wore a white and grey stripped t-shirt with black jeans. I put on my new grey shoes that Cailyn got  me and met with Cailyn outside of the room.

Cailyn and I got in the elevator and head down for breakfast. It was a buffet so there were lots of options. I don't eat breakfast so I  just gabbed something small for now. Cailyn on the other hand had trouble choosing. After she finally decided we went over to a table near a window and sat down.

Cailyn's Pov.

After breakfast we headed back up stairs to brush our teeth. Even though we did it before breakfast we wanted to do it again. We also grabbed anything we would need when we are out. So like, wallets, hats, lip chap, sweater/jacket(just in case), etc. I also grabbed my camera. We headed back down stairs and were on our way to do some fun activities and learn more about Korea.


9:00 a.m.

*Cailyn & Daphne: walking around Seoul*

Cailyn: So from our list, what should we do first?

Daphne: Not sure. Do you have the list with you.

Cailyn: I do. One sec.

Daphne: ok

Cailyn: Here we go! Lets go sit down over there.

Daphne: sure

They walked over and down on the bench.

*Cailyn & Daphne: looking at the list*

Cailyn: I was actually thinking that we could learn a bit about the History, go see the Cherry Blossoms, eat street food, and later on do karaoke and go out for dinner at a small place and try Soju. 

Daphne: sure. That sounds good to me.

Cailyn: ok! Lets go!

Cailyn and Daphne first went to Gyeongbokgung Palace. They got on the bus at around 9:30 and it took 25 min to get there. They sat on the bus listening to their own music. They finally arrived at Gyeongbokgung Palace just before ten, just able to get into the next tour. They stayed there for 2 hours (10-12) since by then they were starting to get hungry. 

Cailyn: For lunch, do you want to eat street food?

Daphne: sure. Where should we go? 


Cailyn and Daphne decided to go to Tongin Market. From Gyeongbokgung to Tongin Market it took them 12min by bus. They had lunch from 12:30-1:45. 

Cailyn: it was sooooooo goooooood!

Daphne: yeah it really was. What was your fav thing to eat?

Cailyn: ummm.......I can't choose. Everything yummy.

Daphne: yeah same. I don't know why I asked lol.

Cailyn: lol

Cailyn: We should get going to do the next activity.

STEALING OVERGROWN CHILDRENNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ