2. The Doctor

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Stephen Strange and Wong argued on the steps of Sanctum Sanctorum.

"I'll tell the guys at the deli. Maybe they'll make you a metaphysical ham and rye," Stephen said sarcastically.
"Wait, wait, wait, wait! I think I have two hundred," Wong replied while pulling a crumpled up bill out of his pocket.
"Rupees" Wong answered while looking at the bill in his hand.
"Which is?"
"Buck and a half."
Stephen sighed, turned and continued down the stairs, "What do you want?"
"I wouldn't say no to a tuna-melt."

Their conversation was suddenly interrupted by something slamming through the ceiling and into the steps they had just walked. Quickly the men sprinted up the stairs. Stephen's cloak immediately flew onto his shoulders while Wong put up two force shields, each for one hand. They looked down into the hole and saw a woman lying there. Her long dark hair spread out around her head like a crown. She was bruised and had a few cuts over her body but her metal armour had protected her from further harm.

"What th-? Who is this? Stephen asked confused. "She is beautiful."
Wong looked at the doctor as if he was crazy, "She's unconscious! Let's take her to the hospital."

At the hospital, Christine Palmer, a close friend of Stephen, was called to the ER. Y/N lay on a gurney, Christine on one side and a nurse on the other. She opened her eyes while they were rolling her into an exam room but she could not make out her surroundings.
A small whimper escaped her lips just before she fell unconscious again, "What's happening?"

The next morning Y/N opened up her eyes and saw Christine standing on the side of her bed.
"Well, good morning. My name is Dr Palmer," she said with a small smile.
"Where am I?" Y/N asked looking around the room frantically.
"You are in the hospital."
"A hospital?" Y/N did her best to understand the meaning of the word.
"Yes, you had quite the accident," Christine said while measuring her heartbeat.
"Don't you remember?"
"No, I don't," Y/N said confused. She had a massive headache but she squinted her eyes shut trying to remember anyway.
"It will come back to you. Do you remember your name?"
"I think... I think it's Y/N."
"Well Y/N, you are going to be alright. I'm going to step out for a moment" Christine left to talk to Stephen.

"She doesn't remember anything Stephen. I advise you to not tell her anything but to just take care of her," she stated. 
"I know Christine, one bad trigger and her memory might never return."
"Okay then, you may enter the room. If she's able to stand and walk then she's good to go."
Hand on the door handle, Stephen asked, "Did she remember her name?"
"Yes, it is Y/N," Christine said to Stephen's back.

Still trying to make out her surroundings Y/N wasn't paying attention to the door when the good-looking sorcerer entered.

"Uhum..." he cleared his throat to not startle her.

With a quick snap of her neck, she turned her head. Looking at the man who had just entered the room she forgot to breathe for a second, some sort of tensioning feeling in her stomach. She looked up, down and back up again as she took him in. He was tall with well-groomed facial hair, sharp cheekbones and a strong jawline. He was wearing a moss green t-shirt and a dark vest on top of simple blue jeans. His grey-haired temples made him look sophisticated. She saw a pleasing grin forming on his face.

How could he not smile at her as she was checking him out, he felt very pleased with himself at that moment.

"Y/N? I'm Doctor Stephen Strange and I'm the one who rescued you," he took a step towards her bed.

"Rescued me from what?"

"You've been in a car accident in front of my house. You were unconscious so me and my friend, Wong, we brought you here." He took another step, three more to go before he would be right beside her.

Y/N eyed him suspiciously, there was no reason to trust this man nor was there a reason not to.

"Do you know who I am?" she pleaded while sitting up straighter.

"No, I'm sorry but I don't," He cautiously took another step, never taking his eyes off hers.

"Do you know where I live? Or where to go?" The tensioning feeling had risen to her chest as the stranger came closer. 

"No, I don't," He took the third step and waited for her reaction.

Y/N shifted a little without breaking eye contact as if she was readying herself.

The last step.

She looked up at the man towering over her next to her bed.

"Where am I supposed to go?"Her entreaty was so true and pure, almost childlike.
She was a damsel and he her knight.

"You will go with me," He took her hand in his. 

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