Call A Ambulance :Chapter:2:

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She acted like the main character.

That's because she is.

On top of New York's highest building.

Frost stuck to the coils of her fro.

The air sharp, hard to inhale, her latex trench coat behind flowed in the wind.

Left leg probed up on the edge of the building.

One swift move, never heard of again.

Anger boiled in her heart.

She didn't know why.

Black as the sky nail polish, alomand shaped nails twisted and glided the piece of glass between her fingers and knuckles.

Tinted like human skin, gold embedded, purple veins.

Thin as thread, embroidered into the layers of pieces of hued glass.

Was this human modifyed skin?

Who was sending it?


Frown lines went into her corners of her mouth, a scowl.

Anger bubbled, pushing her buttons in her heart.

It's been two years, and no trace of where its been sent from.

Non stop, not a day late always on a Monday at one, thirty, in the morning

Rain, snow, hale, heat, never stopped the package.

No post address.

It drove her. Crazy.


The smell of dior perfume, circled her body.

Tucking a coil behind her, sparkling dark brown cheek.

She crushed the glass in her bare palm, it was brittle.

She felt no pain.

It clicked.

veins in her eyes shot with electric like red wires.

He was after her.

The packages were a throw off.

Everyone knew, "he" was watching.

But the thing is. Who was This He?

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