発生 ii .

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開始 。 ━━━ she slept , her eyes closed shut , her hold on him had loosened . which he reacted to by , sliding her in his arms . her head rested on his chest . she unknowingly snuggles closer to him , in search for warmth that she wouldn't be able to find no matter how much she scoots closer .

he just gazed at this with his empty eyes . he was inspecting her features . from the color of her hair , to her forehead , her eyes , her nose , her lips , even up to chest down her legs .

his eyebrows furrowed lightly . he's supremely sure that he's never met this girl before . though he had heard of her .

she's the sleeping lady of the 3-3 classroom . it's said that when the time is exactly 3 : 33 , be it during the midnight or afternoon , if you open the door to that one storage locker on the very back , you'd see a pale woman , sleeping whilst on her feet , with bloody tears flowing down her closed eyes . the mere fact that you'd see that isn't the most scary part about her rumor ,

it is also said that the scent of ashes mixed with the aroma of blood and roses would hit you in the face gently , and once you get , even just the smallest whiff , she'd regain consciousness and , you'll have to take her place .

with that in mind , he released a breath . looking above , he didn't really know why but he couldn't bring himself to leave the girl alone .

he's also aware that she was caged inside the locker for her popular rumor . now that he's the one who helped her out , they should have already , by this time , had proceeded with the introductions and going on with him proposing a deal , with her seeming like she needs utmost help . but instead , she collapses on his arms .

he tilts his head to the side , wondering for one last time if he'd bring this girl with him to his boundary or just cage her up in her locker again .

amber hues drifted on her face , all his attention caught with just her calm sleeping  sounds  , she looked so defenseless .


her voice lingered in his ears as though it's now his new favorite melody , which was very , very , very concerning . sooner or later , his arms began to get tired of being all frozen and he had given up on the mere attempt of leaving her .

he , with a decent amount of care , held her in a better manner for both their gains in this act of taking her away from this place .

"Either way , this'll be interesting ."

他の。 ━━━ voices of the unnamed , words that you received as mumbled and unclear , the sound of liquid being poured , the smell of sweet and freshly baked pastries , all those entered you the moment your eyes opened .

mild lights from who knows where met you , as you slowly feel the soft mattress beneath your back . your hands grasped the said comforter , wondering if you were still dreaming .

your hands clutched around the thick blanket , you hum , drowsy , pleasured and pleased . having to sleep for a very long time on you feet with nothing to warm you up , you definitely understood that the longer you are void of something , the more you'd want and desire for it .

with that said , you wanted to remain at that position before lunging up and worrying about things that you were sure you didn't sign up for .

however , a certain young man might have been too impatient to take your insights into consideration  .

"You alive now ?" his breath that was dangerously near your face , of course brought forth hundreds of electric volts through out your unready body . that description may have seemed quite the exaggeration as in reality , you just flinched and had your eyes opened wide to witness his beautiful face .

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