発生 i .

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開始 。 ━━━ sleep , it's a nice thing to do , may it be for a long period of time or just for a short while , you're bound to enjoy it , nonetheless . it's also one of your body's greatest necessities .

but none of these were enough reason for you to like the fact that you have been sleeping in this dusty locked , metal space , that you didn't even know what was called .

it's been two days since you've awoken , in a world that you're for sure you've never thought you'd see again . you were sure , that you have died . you didn't know how , or why but you were sure you've died , you've left the world from a whole different era .

not just that caused your seemingly neverending confusion , add the fact that you ,

remember nothing other than that statement and your name . y/n , that's supposedly what your name should be .

you do know that , you were most likely a wandering ghost now . you also tried to push the door open in this thing earlier this day .

you were getting tired of it's tight and overly filled with cleaning utensils space , that you wanted to be free . just how in the name of heavens were you able to sleep for who knows how long in this thing ?

you knocked gently at first as you've realized that the lock was outside , for some reason , none came up to open the door . you thought that it was just expected , as you are a ghost as of now .

you started to knock with all your might , still wanting to go out . and similarly , there weren't any progress . you rattled the utensils inside , made loud noises , and finally , that's when some kid that came back to grab her pencil case , opened the door , looking displeased to see that the tools were now misplaced .

the light from outside and the room that had a lot of seats came to view , you're mouth was left hanging open at the unusual scenery .

but you snapped out of it . and realized that the student was too busy cleaning and fixing everything , that the door was left open .

you smiled lightly , as you take a step forward , expecting to be able to wander around this unfamiliar place now that you're free from this thing that stood as somewhat , your cage .

however you couldn't take a step further . as if an invisible wall was there , you couldn't leave the locked rectangular frame .

which leads to how , now , you simply crouch down , sitting on the cold metal surface , the smell of dirt and dust , brought forth your involuntary sneezes .

it's been almost half a week since you've given up trying to escape . you feared being locked here permanently , but you can't really run anywhere anyway .

you wanted to at least know why you still remain here on the land despite being dead .

but with this and other many future obstacles , maybe giving up is all you could actually do .

for a reason you also didn't know , tears started forming unconsciously , dripping down your cheeks , going down the pretty gray dress you wore .

you felt pathetic .

simply covering your mouth , noises that sounded annoying in your ears , trying to stop them . it was already probably around midnight . everything is dark . you felt scared . it's cold . it's been like this for a few days now and surprisingly , your body seemed to be accustomed to all of these .

as though you've gone through it before .

you wondered if you have always been alone and left in the dark , even when you were still alive .

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