Everything is going to be ok

Start from the beginning

Time skip

I managed to "go to sleep" now, so Iida can't follow me places. He's kind and all, but I need some privacy.
I stuffed some pillows under my bed covers and opened the window. I used the pipe to slide my way down to the ground. I'm thinking about sending some gifts to someone.

I slowly stroll down the surprisingly slightly crowded streets. I had plenty of space though. News about me spread like a disease.
Everyone was starting at me, whispering, budging away from me.
I'm just around the corner from the shop I'm heading to when a small boy collides into me.

Everyone gasps and looks at me as if I'm going to murder him. I brush off the stares and hold out my hand to help up the boy.
"You ok?" I asked . Brushing him down.
He nods, feeling embarrassed and ran back off to his parents who looked at me with caution. The mum smiles slightly and nods at me, letting me know she's thankful. Before swinging the boy into her arms and walking away.

After a few more minutes. I stand outside the shop. Signs saying in bold SoSuTa. A shop with almost everything run by two people. Or from what I've seen.
I've came across with place a couple of times and have been wanting to go inside.

I pick a bouquet of flowers from outside and then use my courage to walk inside.
The doors magically open by themselves as a wave of warmth floods directly into my body.

I turn my head to find the cashiers and see someone near some cans. They look at me for a small moment before approaching me.
"Hello! How may I help you today?" Says the  girl, very cheerfully. She's probably around my age. Her name badge introduces her as 'Amaterasu'.

"Hello. I'm just buying these" I indicate to the flowers in my right hand. She doesn't seem the slightest bit scared of me. Or at least not now. I sigh with relief. I can finally be treated like a normal human being.

She lifted up a small wooden flap before going behind the counter. There was a man, also behind the counter, looking at me weirdly. Trying to scan me down.

"That will be £9.99 please, sir"
I pull out a couple of notes and hand her the money. The man whispered something in her ear and then went in a room out the back.
"Can I help you to a drink?" She placed the money into the cashier and gave me my change. "I strongly recommend the cherry coke. It's legendary" She practically drooled looking at it.

"What's your favourite flavour?" She asked. Pouring herself a drink from a weird looking machine. It had many different labels, such as sprite, Diet Coke, cherry coke, Vanilla Coke, dr.Peppa, lemon Fanta, orange Fanta and 7 up. The only drink I recognised was the water, and the cherry coke. But only from the conversation I had a moment ago.

"I've never tried them"
Amaterasu  looked at me with shock. "Well then. What are you waiting for?" She grabbed my arm and handed me a cup.
"Here! Choose a flavour. Cough cough cherry coke"
I slightly chuckled and cautiously moved the cup over to the strange looking machine.
The cherry scented, brown liquid flooded into my cup.
I only allowed a bit to go in, incase I didn't like it.
I moved the cup to my lips and had a sip.
How have I never hand this before?!
"Amazing right!" Her eyes lit up.

After a while. I've had a small sample of each drink.
"Let me ask the question again. What's your favourite flavour?" She asked. Leaning back on a wall.
"Probably the Dr.peppa" I say. Remembering the taste, making my mouth water.
"Want to try the slushy's next?"
"I don't want to be a burden and start tasting all of your products" I pick up my flowers from the counter and look at the time.
"After all. I better start going now, I have somewhere to be"
"Awwww. Make sure to come back tomorrow! Then I can introduce you to way more amazing things."
"I'll be there" I waved. Walking out the shop.
"You better be! You haven't lived until you've had the raspberry slush" her voiced wandered away. Getting quieter as I walked down the street.

After crossing a few roads, walking down a few streets and getting a couple of wrong turns. I arrived at my destination.
I walked a little further into the property.
"Hey there Tooru.. long time no see"
I place the flowers near the gravestone and had a relaxing sigh.
"Hope you're having fun up there... I'll be sure to come see you one day.."

1489 words!
Little heads up, I've added a couple of new characters into the story. There's Amaterasu, as you've seen. And the other man who you will know the name of shortly.
Tysm for commenting! It made me so happy to find 30 notifications.
It gave me the motivation to write this chapter and I couldn't be more great full.
This chapter was really fun to right so I hope you enjoyed it! It's also one of my longer ones.
Sorry for the slow updates. I went on a short holiday and had no signal at all.

Hi there! This chapter says it's been updated. What  I did was correct a few grammatical mistakes

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