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Days, even weeks had passed. Malfoy and I haven't talked since, well, the kiss.
Maria hasn't talked to me since then either. Pansy had tried multiple times to get her to speak, but she refused. But what made me mad, was she would still sit with us, but only talk to Pansy.
I lost so much sleep. I had way too much on my mind to even function properly. Maria and Malfoy made everything worse. I guess I was thankful that Malfoy left me alone. But did it mean anything to him? Why did he kiss me? Why did I kiss him back? Ugh, thinking about this made my head throb.
"You coming?" Pansy chirped.
"Huh? Oh yeah." I almost forgot I was walking with Pansy to class. Pansy eyed me for a moment before she slapped my back.
"Ow!" I glared at her, "What was that for!?"
She laughed, "Maybe that'll wake you up. You've been so out of it these past- well forever."
She was right, as usual. There was no way my grades haven't dropped dramatically. I was glad I had Pansy to help me with assignments and projects. But she couldn't help me with the exams.
Pansy smiled kindly at me. "So, Maria," she paused as we passed none other than Draco Malfoy. He didn't say anything or look at me, but something weird happened. He waved at Pansy. She waved back, "g'day." He nodded in response.
I rose my eyebrows, "I'm what the- what just- Huh?????"
"As I was saying. Draco apologized to Maria, and he said you gave him a piece of your mind." She smiled, "Maria is willing to speak to you.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Why couldn't Maria tell me herself? "What are you? Her owl?" I scoffed quietly under my breath.
She glared at me. "For your information, I didn't have to tell you. You two seriously need to grow up."
We both walked into class. You could practically see the tension between Pansy and me.
Professor Snape already was there with a few other students one being Malfoy. He watched each of us come in and sit. Maria walked in alone and sat next to Pansy, but they moved away from me.
I sighed. Just great. I looked over at Pansy and Maria, they both stared at me and whispered something. It was very obvious they were talking about me. There wasn't anything I could do.
My thoughts were interrupted by Professor Snape clearing his throat. "Okay class," his voice was very monotone and he sounded bored. "Today we will be brewing up a potion called Beautification." He scanned the room looking for someone who wasn't paying attention. "Ah yes, Potter." He called out.
Harry Potter looked up from his doodling. "Y-yes, Professor?"
Snape scowled down at Potter before speaking, "what does this potion do?"
Potter gulped, "It makes the user beautiful."
I watched Potter, he seemed to be scared of Snape. I didn't understand why anyone could be afraid of him. I guess he could be a bit harsh on anyone who wasn't Slytherin, but still.
Snape nodded slightly before slithering away. "I will choose partners for this assignment." He pulled a paper off of a desk and read off names. "Y/n Flamel, and Maria Thomas. Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson."
My head shot up. Maria looked at me anxiously as she got up and sat next to me.
"Hey," I whispered. She nodded her head and fake smiled.
We both sifted awkwardly in our seats. Snape finished showing us what we needed to do. Maria grabbed some of the ingredients for the potion.
"Hey Maria," She nodded for me to continue speaking, "Can we be ok? I don't like fighting with my friends."
Maria sighed, "yeah I agree. I just wish you would've told me you went to talk to Draco, instead you didn't I thought you were sleeping with my bully." Maria breathy laughed. "I'm thankful that it was just you yelling at him." She smiled.
I smiled too. "Ok good."
Honestly, I thought she was overreacting but I'm glad we weren't fighting anymore. I didn't apologize because it wasn't my fault. Maybe part of it, but I really didn't do anything with Malfoy. Besides the kiss but no one knows about that, at least I hoped.
I let a sigh escape my lips. My eyes darted around the room and my classmates. No one seemed to be done. But something caught my eye. Honestly, I was so shocked I didn't even notice dropping one of the ingredients.
"Y/n pay attention!" Maria snapped. She picked up the bottle. "What is so interesting that you dropped th-" she stopped as soon as she realized what I was staring at.
Pansy and Malfoy. They were flirting. They were very touchy, and the way they looked at each other.
Maria groaned. "What's with my friends falling for that twat."
I turned to face her with a confused look, "I never fell for him." I lied.
Maria laughed, "yeah thankfully."
We both looked back over at our friend. Ew, they were all over each other. Malfoy noticed us staring, his eyes met with mine. He didn't even care to look at Maria.
His expression made my heart flutter. He looked jealous.. no.. upset? But passionate. Why did he have to look at me like that?
The edge of his lip curled into a smirk. He knew exactly what he was doing.
I whipped my head around, breaking eye contact with the blond.
I had an odd feeling in my chest. I felt... Betrayed. Everything seemed so heavy. My breathing quickened. Just the thought of my best friend stealing him from me made me ill.
Wait no. He's not mine. I hate Malfoy, he's a jerk and a playboy.
Just.. why did he have to touch me like that before?
I bit my lip hard. I tried paying attention to Maria and our potion, but I could feel eyes on me. Those beautiful silver-blue eyes.
I guess Maira could see the frustration on my face. She tapped my shoulder. Worry was written on her face. Honestly, I forgot I was even in class.
"Y/n?" She said softly. Her voice was soothing and comforting. "Are you alright?"
I continued to bit my lip and nodded. "Sorry just thinking." I finished with a smile.
"Oh ok." Maria smiled. Her expression still looked worried.
Snape excused us from class. I left Maria and Pansy confused about why I left so quickly. Neither came after me.
I rushed into the girl's bathroom. No one came in there because of Moaning Myrtle.
I stopped suddenly in front of the sink. My hands gripped the ledge of the sink. I looked straight into a mirror. Someone stared back at me. Tears ran down my face like a storm.
Here we go again, a panic attack. I got them every once and a while. They first started when I was about eight years old. I usually got them when my father and mother would fight.
I didn't know what to do when I got them. I usually sat down in my room with all lights off, with a pillow to my face.
I wasn't sure if Malfoy was the cause of this panic attack. Surely it wasn't. I've been stressed about school work.
I shook my head until it finally made me dizzy.
"I want to go home." I gasped for air before falling to my knees. Myrtle flew gracefully toward me. She rested her hand on my shoulder, I felt nothing.
"You poor thing." She said with her squeaky voice.
I wiped my tears away, my eyesight was blurry from all the tears filling my eyes.
"I- I'm sorry.." I choked. "I p-probably look p-pathetic right now."
Myrtle snickered, "no, no. I see this quite often actually. Nobody comes in here unless they're crying, it's lonesome you know." She says down next to me and grinned, "now, what's the matter?"
I attempted to take a deep breath to speak correctly, but it did nothing. My eyes were puffy, and my head hurt. Myrtle's company was nice though. She was a lot better than what other girls have told me. Unless it was an act, I didn't care.
"I'm homesick." I bit my lip before I continued, "Stressed from work, and... uhm- boys." In the last part, I said quieter than the rest.
Myrtle nodded slightly. I'm sure she's heard this plenty of time. There was no way she hasn't. If I were her, I wouldn't care about others' feelings, or even care to ask. Poor thing probably is forced to listen to girls weep in her bathroom all the time.
"Well, just forget about the boys and take time for yourself. And for the homesick part, ask Professor Dumbledor if you can go home for a couple of days. That could help with stress too."
"Thank you." I tried to smile slightly.
I missed my next class and stayed with Myrtle. She and I became friends. We talked about all sorts of things. I even opened up a little about my family. She promised not to say anything, I hoped she'll keep it.
I waved goodbye to her. "I'll come back soon and we can chat again, 'kay?"
"Of course, Y/n. See you." She smiled.
I walked silently to the Slytherin common room, thinking. Myrtle and Harry looked a lot alike. Odd, isn't it? I giggled a little.
Of course, me being me, I ran into someone. What was it with me and running into people? Jeez.
"Sorry." I apologized before looking up at who I bumped into.
"It's alright," he smiled, "I'm sorry too for not paying attention."
Oh, yes, I knew who this was. It was the Hufflepuff boy Pansy and Maria thought was attractive. I mean, he was.
"Hah, it was my bad." I shrugged and half smiled at him.
He was checking me out. I shifted uncomfortably. His eyes met back with mine.
"I reckon I haven't met you before, right?" Cedric said.
"Um, no I don't think so."
"Oh! Alright well, Nice to meet you! I'm Cedric Diggory. And you are?"
Cheerful fella isn't he? I thought.
"The name's Y/n." I paused before saying my last name. "Flamel." As usual, I waited for the shocked face and the same old questions everyone asked once I said my last name. The real Flamel family? Are you going to kill us? Pathetic.
But no, this Diggory boy wasn't the same as the others, he simply smiled and said, "Oh yes, I've heard about you. Lovely name."
I rose an eyebrow, I was unsure of the reply. "Thanks," I said hesitantly.
"Aren't you supposed to be in class?" He noticed how on edge I was and changed the subject.
"Oh yeah, uhh." I couldn't think of an excuse quick enough, "uh I could ask you the same."
"Right," he laughed. "Well, I best be off, hopefully, we bump into each other again soon." A smiled grew across his face as he winked at me.
I watched him leave. What an interesting character he was. I did see what other girls saw in him now. He was polite, and kind, oh, and of course, he is a sight for sore eyes.
I continued my journey to the Common Room. Finally, I made it. Why did it seem like I've been walking for hours? I whispered "pureblood." To the entrance, which it opened up afterward.
It was vacant, thank goodness. No one seemed to be in here recently either. I sat on the couch in front of the fireplace. It was odd for this room to be so quiet, there was always some sort of commotion. Since it was so quiet, it was peaceful.
With my luck, I heard the door click open. I sighed, class must've just got over. I whipped around to see who joined me.
"Happy to see me?" The iconic smirk was written all over the punchable boy's face.
I scoffed without saying anything and turned back over to face forward.
Malfoy walked towards me, stopping right behind me. He leaned down over my left shoulder as he placed both hands on both of my shoulders.
"Well now, daring, who wouldn't be excited to see me?"
My eyes met his. He rubbed my shoulder softly. And as usual, he was smirking.
But for some reason I couldn't shake him off, I was frozen. I took a breath, "Oh now we are talking, huh?"
Malfoy's smirk faded. He let go and walked around the front of the couch, in front of me.
"Oh, what? Did you miss me?" He breathy laughed.
"Of course not. Why would I?"
Malfoy laughed again, "oh I dunno, maybe because you caught feelings after our little, well, you know what." He plopped into the couch next to me. A little too close for comfort.
My face flushed a light pink. I turned away from him so he couldn't see. "I- What do you want, Malfoy?"
His arm slithered around my shoulders. The touch made me shiver. I could never tell what he was thinking- or yet why he was so difficult, and why he never acted the same.
"Pfff- Flamel, look at how pathetic you are now." He snickered.
I turned around quickly. Our faces were closer than I would like. I backed up putting only a few more inches between us.
"Oh c'mon, Flamel, you can't be serious? I mean it was only a kiss?"
I glared at him, "Only a kiss? Well, I dunno if you remember but YOU were the one who kissed ME." I tiled my head and rolled my eyes.
"Please." He scoffed, "What? Was it your first kiss?" He said jokingly.
Yes, it was. Honestly, I didn't expect Draco Malfoy to steal my first kiss. It was weird but unexpected.
I said nothing because, well, it was.
"Oh my- wait it actually was?" He smirked. "I, Draco Malfoy, took sweet, little Flamel's first kiss. What an achievement."
"Oh yeah, witty one, are you now?" I mumbled.
Draco closed the space in between us. His smirk still on his face.
"Flamel, you do realize what you have done, right?" He was suddenly serious.
I looked at him confused. What could he be talking about? What could I have possibly done?
"What- what are you talking about?"
He grabbed my chin and pulled my face close to his. His eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes were staring into mine. Now he looked upset. Jeez, just tell me already.
He bit his lip and looked like he was trying to figure out what to say. After a few moments of silence, he growled under his breath.
"You. It's all your fault."
"Oh my- Just tell me what I did, Malfoy, I honestly don't know what you're talking about."
His eyes went from my lips back to my eyes. "I feel... well, weird." He mumbled.
"Weird? How?" I rose an eyebrow.
"My stomach."
"What ab-"
"Ugh!" He cut me off, "how do you not get it!? Do I have to spell it out? You are so stupid- I swear."
I watched him blankly. I can't help being so clueless.
"You make me feel weird, okay?" He pushed me away. Though, we were only this close in the first place because of him.
"Every time I see you..." He started but shook his head. Must've changed his mind on whatever he was going to say.
Finally, I caught on.
"Oh- oh dear." I gulped. "M-Malfoy, do you like me?"
He looked disgusted. "How could I possibly like you? I mean of all people why you?" He now sounded frustrated more than ever.
Tell me about it. I've had weird feelings towards him too. No way I was telling him that. But who could've thought, Draco Malfoy liking me. Ha. What a sight to see.
I decided to be a jerk and a flirt.  He deserved it anyway.
"Oh, Malfoy," I leaned close to him, our noses almost touching.
My sudden movement startled him.
"I mean, who wouldn't., I smirked and fluttered my eyelashes. My hand moved up to his chin, slightly brushing it.
His face grew a light pink. "Hey- what- what do you think you're doing?" He watched my hand nervously.
I sat back and rested my elbow on the couch, and my chin on my hand. And my other still on his face.
My thumb reached its way to his lips slightly brushing them. He watched me before leaning back away from me.
"Wow. You really do, huh. Imagine if someone else saw you now." I laughed.
"Shut up."
"Pff- what are you going to do, huh?" I giggled before rolling my eyes.
"Just, shut it."
"Make me," I smirked
Malfoy's nervous looked turned into a cocky look. Oh dear, what did I just say?
He grabbed my collar and smashed our lips together.
Goodness, this boy likes my touch.
He inches closer pushing me onto the couch as he climbed onto me. He deepened the kiss.
I felt as if I couldn't breathe. He was like a rabid, lustful wolf. I tried pulling away, to at least take a breath, but he wouldn't let me.
Someone opened the Common Room's door.
"Oh, my Merlin's beard!" They yelped.
Draco hurried and sat up, may I add he was still on top of me. "Uh- say anything and I'll kill you!" He snapped at the first year. They nodded and scurried up to the dorms.
I gasped for air. He looked back down at me and smirked.
"What the- what was that!?" I snapped.
He leaned back onto me, his face by my ear. "Y/n." He whispered, which made me shiver.
"G-get off." I tried pushing him off but he stayed put.
"Shall we take this to my dorm?" That same smirk that's always on his face appeared as he sat up again.
"Absolutely not!" I pushed him away ever so slightly.
I wondered if he actually wanted to, well you know. Or if he only did this to torment me, which worked.
"Fine. No means no." He sighed as his hand brushed the hair out of my face. He kissed the side of my lips before getting off.
I was glad he didn't drag me to his dorm.
Malfoy looked back at me, "tell no one."
I glared at him, "who do you think you are?" I hopped up after him.
"Yours." He smirked.
I stopped dead in my tracks and blushed. Wait, what? Now I was more confused than ever before. I stood there dumbfounded.
He burst out laughing, "wow!" He continued to laugh uncontrollably.
After he caught his breath from laughing too hard, he smirked.
"You really thought- Like, you wish."
I glared at him. For a second, I thought he was serious. And what's worse, is I wouldn't.. well... I wouldn't mind him being mine.
Wait, no. I hate this spoiled brat. He's always torturing me!
That iconic smirk was on his face. "Gosh, Flamel, if only you'd learn."
Now I was annoyed. I can't believe I even thought of me and him, like, seriously!
I shoved past him to go to my dorm room, saying "buzz off," quietly.
I could hear him snicker as I walked away. Bloody hell what's his problem? And why did he kiss me like that? I had so many questions for that boy.

Hey, sorry for not publishing this part- I had a bunch of stuff happening at home but I have the next few parts ready! Sorry again!

It was his eyes.. Draco x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now