𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐟 𝐮𝐩.

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now before i start, i just wanted to say that i am not going to be holding back on what i have to say and i will mean probably 99% of the things i'm going to say. for those of y'all who know i have no filter and have no problem speaking my mind.

so lately i've been seeing a ton of my mutuals and other black authors like myself get hate on their books for no reason. when i had my very first account, i remember that people would leave hate comments and i know some of them were white because they said "how could this be a reader book when the reader is saying the n word blasé blah," maybe if the dumb bitch looked at the title and description she would've known that it was a black reader book and not just a regular reader book. sometimes i get comments from other black readers as well saying that i shouldn't be using "nigga," in my books without it being censored because it's deemed "inappropriate," and i find it ridiculous that people tell me what to add and what not to add into MY book, last time i checked that i was the one writing the book.

next this whole hate train all of a sudden is so stupid and ridiculous. if you the reader are reading a book and you're not happy with it, what is the point of reading it and leaving hate comments? just fucking leave. leaving hate comments under an authors book is so damn unnecessary. like if you don't like the book, i wanna see you write a damn book. istg every hate comment i get, imma ask y'all to write ya' own damn book and i'll be here waitin' on that piece of shit too. because y'all will deadass get on this app and bitch and moan, bitch and moan, bitch and moan, and bitch and moan about how there's not enough black reader books and "everything is for white girls that have blonde hair, silky hair, smooth hair, etc..." but out here in the comments being a bunch of jackasses and chode suckers or trying act cool or co-signin'(when really you look like a bunch of pick me havin' ass bitches) on tiktok dissing other black authors.

not every black reader book can specifically fit one fucking person, if you want a book specifically for you, guess what? pick ya' damn phone or laptop up and write a damn oc book and take all that hate ya' got stored for someones book and shove it so far up ya' ass that it comes back up to your throat and you choke on it.

i've been seeing a lot of black author's leave this app or unpublish their books because y'all act like y'all are all this and that but i bet y'all can't even go tell the waiter or waitress that y'all order is wrong. black authors SHOULDN'T have to take their books down. black authors SHOULDN'T have to leave an app that they enjoy writing on for their enjoyment. black authors SHOULDN'T feel disappointed in their work all because y'all as black readers and commentators wanna act a fool and shuck and jive for the white people.

also ive seen a mutual talk about this, but please DO NOT comment massa under any of my books. that is what will get you blocked from me. it's annoying and you need to seek help.


if y'all need to take a break to get yourself together, please do so. sometimes mfs on this app aren't not worth it and they can rot in the pits of hell respectfully. please do not ever feel like your work isn't good because i promise they are. you are amazing and keep doing you, y'all are doing something good asf for niggas to be hatin' like this. if you're planning on taking a break make sure to stay hydrated, be safe, take care of yourself, spoil yourself, etc... don't let these people turn this app into a chore for you.

i may not know all of y'all, but i love y'all fr and y'all are amazing. fuck what the haters have to say and fuck them.

please keep doing you!!!!!!!!💖

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please keep doing you!!!!!!!!💖

no kizzy, i've been wanting to get this off my chest. because fr fuck all of y'all who be spreading negativity, but imma stop right here. if i keep going imma get real disrespectful on here and i'm not tryna do that at all.

EDIT: if you ever told an author to kill themselves over a book they've written, you can go straight to hell and kiss my black ass.

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