19. He's Off Limits part2

Start from the beginning


You fidget nervously with your camera equipment, moving things over and over to pass the time before the boys of 5SOS show up. It had been about a month since you had kissed Calum, but you couldn't avoid him forever, seeing that you work for the photography company they use. The door opens and you turn to see four boys strolling in. Your eyes meet Calum's and you look away, blushing. "Uh, it's a group shoot today," you mumble, leading them to where they were needed."Just, uh, act natural," you instruct. They all hit ridiculous poses and you shake your head. "Okay, scratch that," you laugh, "Look, um, like a normal person." They comply, all relaxing and looking great, except Calum, who stood awkwardly stiff. "Calum, I need more from you," you instruct. "We know," you hear Michael mutter, making Ashton and Luke laugh and Calum blush. You glared at Michael, but continued with the shoot. Once it was over, you sent the boys on their way, grateful that you were done. You start to pack up when you hear, "Um, I told the guys I forgot my phone." You look up to see Calum, scratching his head nervously. "Oh...okay?" You say, unsure of what he meant. "But I didn't forget my phone, I just wanted to talk to you." You turn away from your work to face Calum as you ask, "About what?" Calum runs a hand through his hair and looks down at his feet, mumbling, "Sorry about what Michael said." "You told them," you say, not as a question but as a statement. "It slipped out on the way here," Calum says quickly, looking apologetic. "I am really sorry," he adds, frowning. You met his eyes and couldn't resist his adorable puppy dog stare. "It's alright," you shrug, slowly walking towards him, "but if they know, there's no point in not, er, continuing." Instead of responding, Calum lets his lips meet yours, moving them in sync. It was only seconds before you hear a cough from behind Calum. You pull apart and look over to see Luke, trying not to laugh. "Did you find your phone?" He asks, covering his mouth with his hand to hide his smirk. "Oh, um, yes!" Calum says, pulling his phone out of his pocket and dropping it in a panic. He scrambles to pick it up and waves it around proudly. "Got it!" He gives you a last, meaningful look and you giggle, waving before he exits.


You ring your best friend's doorbell and text her that you're here, assuming she's up in her room. "Oh! Hey Y/n!" You look up and immediately look away, blushing. "Luke," you mumble, struggling to avoid eye contact. "My sister told me to get the door. She's in the shower but should be out soon. Do you want some, uh, water?" he states, letting you in and motioning to the kitchen. "Yeah, thanks," you say, chancing a glance in his direction. You notice that he is blushing as bad as you, and you're sure he's thinking of the last time he saw you. "I thought you were in America," you say, taking a seat on a stool in the kitchen as he fills a water glass for you. "I was," he states, "But we're back now. It's been a few months since.." his voice trails off, but you don't need him to finish. You know what he was going to say. '...since we hooked up.' You nod, not knowing what to say to him. "Look, y/n," Luke begins, nervously running a hand through his hair, "About that, uh, that night -" "You don't have to say anything," you interrupt, "I know. It was a mistake." You shrug, taking a sip of water. "It didn't mean anything," you lie, gulping down water to keep yourself from saying what you really wanted to. "I was, uh, I was gonna say I haven't stopped thinking about it," he mumbles, looking at his feet. "About you," he adds, glancing up at you. You cough, spitting water on the counter, and look at him, sure he was joking. "But I get it!" He says quickly, "It didn't mean anything to you. It wasn't supposed to mean anything to me either. I just - just forget it," he mutters. "Luke I - you're - uh, it's not that I don't like you like that, trust me," you begin, "It's just that - Luke you're my best friend's brother!" You say, exasperatedly. "Right," he mutters, looking down at his feet, "I understand." "Luke," you sigh, "If things were different I -" "I know," he interrupts, quickly. "I get it" he adds bitterly. You sigh audibly and he looks up at you. "Sorry," he mumbles, "I really do get it. I'm not mad. It would never work out." "What would never work out?" Your friend asks, bounding down the stairs with her hair wrapped in a towel and a confused look on her face. Luke and you look at her, both with similar alarmed looks on your faces. "What?" She says with a nervous laugh. "I, uh, I just spilled water on your counter!" You almost shout. "Okay," your friend says suspiciously, stopping at the foot of the stairs and looking at you with the same confused look she had before, "But what wouldn't work?" "Uh," You start, looking to Luke for help. "Drinking the water off the counter!" He says quickly, smiling at you and then his sister. "I suggested licking the water up, but y/n said that was stupid," he explains, laughing uncomfortably."You're a freak," she says to Luke, shaking her head incredulously. "Sorry you had to talk to him," she says to you, glaring at Luke. "Let's go," she adds, turning and taking the steps two at a time back up. You glance at Luke, giving him an apologetic look. "Are you coming or what?" Your friend calls from the top of the stairs. "Yeah," you say, breaking eye contact with Luke. You turn and head up the stairs, turning at the top to look back. You see Luke grab a towel and start wiping up the water, glancing up at you with a sad smile before you turn back and follow your friend.

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