chapter 1

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They're too dangerous!" an older looking man said in a hushed tone, hoping no one would overhear their conversation.
"But they're our child! And we can always teach them ways to to control it, so that no one will get hurt." a slender women, with long dark hair protested, as tears began to form in her ocean blue eyes. A tall man with dirty blonde hair, and stubble on his face stood beside the woman; one arm wrapped around her shoulder, and his hand gently holding the other, nodded in agreement with the woman, not trusting himself to speak.
"I'm truly sorry but a decision's already been made, they'll be sent to Midgard, and for their safety and that of our people all memories of their abilities along with those of Asgard will be wiped..." a beautiful woman wearing a dress fit for royalty, with her long blonde hair in a gorgeous up-do standing beside the older man said calmly, trying to console the other women, who at those words fell to knees with her face in her palms as she began to sob uncontrollably.
"They'll be placed in a new home, with a loving family who will care for them, just as you would've." the woman finished.
Your vision becomes blurry at her words as tears begin to form in your own eyes, while you watch who you can only assume to be your parents on the floor, hugging one another, crying.
You wake up suddenly, now in the familiar environment of your bedroom, tears rolling down your cheeks. Propping yourself up on your elbow, you take a few deep breaths while you wipe away your tears, looking to your alarm clock, which read, 5:04am
"It was just a dream..." you mumble to yourself, before getting up from under the covers of your bed, allowing your feet to hit the soft rug that was laid out underneath the bed. You walk to the bathroom, where you prep the water for a shower before you strip, and get in. While in the shower you let your thoughts wander.
"Where the heck was 'Asgard'? Or rather, what was Asgard?" you thought running a hand through (y/h/l), soaking, (y/h/c) hair. Now finished your shower, you blow dry and style your hair how you normally would, before doing a simple, nude eyeshadow look, and putting on some Chapstick. With your hair and makeup done, you go to your closet to pick out your work clothes for today. Now that you're dressed you head down the corridor, to the kitchen/dining area to make some breakfast and some coffee (or other). Once you've finished cooking, you decided on eggs, some avocado toast and a fruit (you can this change it to something that you'd normally eat), you sit down at the table with your breakfast and coffee (or other), watching as the sun slowly rises above the horizon, allowing your thoughts to wander again, you thought back to the woman's words: "They'll be placed in a new home, with a loving family..."
"Yeah, right." you mumble to yourself with a slight chuckle
"My parents couldn't have cared less about me.."
When you'd finished eating, you get up and gently place your dish in the sink and make another coffee to go, you check the clock real quick, and realise that you doddled a little to much this morning, it was already seven o'clock! You had to be at work in thirty minutes! Hurriedly grabbing the lunch you made yourself the night before, you run over to the door, snatching the keys to you apartment, you rush out the door locking it behind you. Your heals click on the smooth tiles in the corridor as you half run, half walk to the elevator. Right as you push the button, you hear a familiar voice behind you.

Author's note: I'm using gender neutral pronouns to be a bit more inclusive, anyways..
thx for reading! Chapter 2 will be up shortly!

*(y/h/l)= your hair length
*(y/h/c)= your hair colour

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