Meeting hurrem

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While we were all talking we heard hurrem was being announced while they were doing that mother sultana told all of us to not let her know that dilara is going to the golden path and to let her believe she is my new servent
Hurrem POV
While walking along the harem I was hearing things about a new girl being announced I was pissed because they were all talking about how beautiful she is and nice so I decided to come find her I knew where so I went looking for mother sultana when I went in noticed mahidevran talking happily with the new girl so I started planning for her to leave since she could be a treat for my reign so asked who she was and mahidevran said that she is the new servent for mother sultan and caretaker for mustafa
Mahidevran POV
When she came is I came up with a quick lie hurrem asked if she is going to serve the sultan and mother sultana said If she has to she will because every woman in this palace belongs to him while we were all talking we heard the announcement saying that prince mustafa was coming we were all waiting while doing so noticed how hurrem was looking at as badly because we were close mustafa came in and treated all of us
Mustafa POV
I came in and saw my mother talking to a very beautiful woman they seem to be getting along very well not like hurrem is with my mother my mother called me to say hello to dilara and that she will help take care of me hurrem left after hearing all of us ignore her we know it's to talk to the sultan to complain about what we did still we didn't do anything but she will anyway
Hurrem POV
I left because they started ignoring me and for some reason I knew that they were hiding something so I went to the sultan to complain about how wrongly I was treated
Sultan POV
I was very excited for what was to come today I didn't expect for hurrem to come but I knew that she wanted to tell me something so I let her in and she told me that she thinks that my mother is hiding and planning something evil and that they were ignoring her instead of talking to her I told her to stop talking bad about my mother and sultana and for her to leave because he is busy she knew he could t change her mind because he is still the sultan hurrem left and I called Ibrahim in to tell him to tell daye to prepare dilara to walk the golden path.

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