Chapter 14: The Layover

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Finally, Ahsoka arrived at the Quarren village.

While she didn't want to admit it, she was tired. Having used that much power was just exhausting.

Whether it would have been the slow burn from lifting up the wreck, or just unleashing all the power at once to shove it over, it had really tired her out. Hopefully there was somewhere here for her to rest.

The village rested underneath a large stone crag, and it was built up against it's wall. That shielded it from any bombardment or sinking wrecks, and nothing short of a crashed Star Destroyer would break off the crag, causing it to crush the village.

Which basically meant she could take a nap without worrying about getting blown up.

There was a building that had "BAR" Written on it. It seemed to me somewhat of a gathering place, and there were also some other subs parked around it, meaning more people had come here to seek refuge.

She parked her submarine under the bar, and thankfully there was submarine docking access, meaning she could directly exit the sub without swimming. It also meant the building was filled with air.

She looked back to find the Mon Calamari child still in the back of the sub.

"I'll be right back," Ahsoka said. "Don't, uh... Don't do anything bad, okay?"

The only reply was some babbling.

It was quite odd that this year-and-a-half old child did not have that good of a vocabulary.

Ahsoka put her lightsabers in a hidden compartment, got out of the sub, and climbed onto the floor. She stood up, and got out of the submarine docking area. This appeared to be just some random normal old pub.

She walked up to the bartender.

"Oh, look, an outsider!" The Quarren bartender said.

"Just looking for somewhere to hide from all the stuff falling from the sky," she replied.

"Eh, well, this is the only pressurized building in the area, so you got lucky," said the bartender.

"A bar? Why is this the only pressurized place?"

"I dunno," he said. "I'm pretty sure it was something else before it was a bar. Never bothered depressurizing it for... convenience, I guess."

"Good," Ahsoka replied, "Guess it's good to be breathing something a bit more less likely to run out."

"Kid, we've got oxygen in here for at least another two standard months. You ain't gonna be suffocating, unless the Imps really start taking their time. Uh, can I get you a drink?"

"No thanks," Ahsoka said. "Like I said, I'm only here to avoid being toasted alive by the Imps or crushed by some TIE wreckage."

"Nothin' wrong with that," said the bartender. "So long as you don't blow the place up or attract any unwanted attention."

"Don't worry about that," Ahsoka replied, "If any of that happens, it won't be intentional."

"Since when was the last time unwanted attention was intentional?"

He did have a point. And besides, it wasn't helping that she was one of, if not the Galaxy's most wanted criminal.

"And?" Ahsoka continued.

"Gah, blast it, you aren't the most suspicious person I've seen here. Just so long as nobody dies, gets arrested, or has to pay too much, you're good."

Sometimes, morally grey people were a bit of a convenience.

"That's all I want to hear," Ahsoka said. "I'm a bit tired, so I'm going to go to sleep in my sub."

"Go on ahead," said the bartender.

She walked back into her sub, and she got in.

She made sure she still had her lightsabers right where she put them. Thankfully, they were still there.

Ahsoka closed the submarine's entry hatch and looked back at the Mon Calamari child, and she appeared to be asleep.

Ahsoka sighed and took out her commlink, and set it to deliver a recorded message back to the Jedi.

"This is Fulcrum," she said. "The Empire has invaded Mon Cala. I will not be able to return today. my objective is currently partially completed. Word is also going out there could be another survivor. I may try to contact them too if I can. I may update you soon, or I may not. I cannot say when I will be back. I cannot disclose any more information. Fulcrum out."

She turned off her commlink, laid back into her chair, and sighed.

Her eyes slowly began to shut, and she drifted off to sleep.

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