Newt imagine - part 3

Start from the beginning

You waited for everyone to be asleep, including Newt, so you could check on your arm again. You pushed Newt's arm slowly off of you and pulled your sleeve up. It looked like the infection was spreading. The veins on your arm were now becoming blackish and the wound looked disgusting. You touched it and it started to cause you pain throughout your whole arm and shoulder. You started to worry but you didn't want to alarm anyone.

"You're still up?" You hear someone say, quickly pushing down your sleeve.

"I can't sleep" you say, sitting up and crossing your legs, looking at who had talked.

"Wanna talk about it? Is Newt giving you headaches again? Do I need to break his other leg?" Minho says, approaching you and sitting next to you.

"Always doing your big bro job, right?" You say, laughing at his toughness.

"Nah for real, what's worrying you, sweety?" Minho says, looking into your eyes.

"Nothing too bad. When the day comes, all of you will know. For now, don't worry! Now go to sleep. You have to lead us with Tommy tomorrow morning" you say, kissing his cheek and cuddling back with Newt, dark thoughts on your mind.

A few days later...

"Are we there yet?" Aris asks.

"Can you shut your shucking mouth, shank?" Minho says, completely out of pacience, making Thomas and Newt laugh.

The group was walking through the desert and you felt awful. The infection and the black veins were now all around your neck so you wore a scarf and Newt's jacket to cover it. You felt really tired and pain all over your body. Your voice had changed, you felt cranky all the time and it was hard to breathe. You were the last one on the group as they walked down the desert, trying to figure out ways to pass the time. Sometimes Newt would come to check on you and you would tell him you were not sleeping well and he would buy it. But today was especially awful.

"Minho can you slow down for a bit?" You say with a raspy, low voice, right before crashing on the sand, unconscious.

Newt's POV:

"Minho can you slow down for a bit?" Jordyn says, right before hearing a noise of something falling on the sand.

"Well, I wouldn't say you were the sister of the keeper of the runners with that attitude" says Minho laughing, what used to make her mad so I looked behind to check on her, noticing she was down on the sand, completely passed out.

"Jordyn!!" I said, running back to her, holding her close to me and hearing her strange breathing.

Minho soon stopped and the whole group as well, running back to Jordyn.

"Did anyone see what happened? How couldn't anyone warn me??? Did someone talk to her on this trip??" Minho asks desperately to everyone around us while I hold her to my chest, trying to wake her up.

"Maybe she needs water. Maybe it's an insolation" Thomas says, making Minho run to grab his bottle.

I unzipp my jacket off of her and start to take her scarf off when I see some marks on her neck.

"Guys, look..."

The veins on her neck were awful. I took the jacket off of her just to notice that her arm was that way as well. I noticed a big old open wound that was still infected and my heart dropped.

"No..." I say, dropping her slowly on the ground and getting up.

Minho stares at her body in shock, knees on the ground and mouth slightly open, without saying a word. Thomas puts an hand on his shoulder to support him and Sonya tries to do the same to me, which I deny and walk away.

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