Walking downstairs to the kitchen grab two mini German Apple pancake giving Lilly one, I ate the other one

I walk out of the house to the limo opening up the boot (trunk) putting her stuff in there with everybody else's and closing it  going in the limo sitting next to Rax and Skye putting Lilly on my lap Ashton sits next to Skye after we all get in the limo, Da dose a check to make sure we are all on the limo then we go to the airport.

We get out of the limo grab our stuff and if we are holding a little kid their stuff too,I grab Lily's hand Carson puts his arm around my neck in a proactive way and has Levi's hand Lilly and Levi talk, after we are all in the airport Jax, Rax and Nick run around like Nutters running into people in the busy airport we had to drive to London because it is a better and bigger airport and less likely to die or so Da says

"Jax get back here," Carter yells

"you can't touch this nun nun nun !" Jax yells in a happy tone over to us

Carter runs over to him it looks like a game of tag

"Nick King get back here." Da yells

Dad goes and runs after Rex Da stays by the kids that aren't running because let's face it he would drop before he ran a mile so Dustin runs after Rex we just keep walking to go through security

"you would think 14 years olds would act more mature." Ashton comments

"you would do that to have some fun." Nash tries to make a point

"belt up a$$hole," Ashton says back ending that

We put our luggage in the baggage claim and go through security Carter and Jax are trailing behind us Dustin and Nick are a few people behind Carter and Jax

Rax end up laughing at dad and giving in but they are behind a lot of people from Carter and Jax after we all get done with the security with two people that make the thing go off Joy had a game controller in the hood of his hoodie and Jax had his phone in his pocket.

We all sit down on an uncomfortable chair but Gia said she will not sit on that desiring things and when to Starbucks she came back with a Carmel flap.

Our plane gets called a little bit after,dad gets on first all the kids follow behind and then Da was last our family took up most of the plane I watch divergent and the Duff after those movies, I listen to music till the flight attendant says we are about to land I put my phone in my pocket put my headphones on my neck put my high top trainers on after we land

I grab my carry on and Lily's, going to Lilly and unbuckle her and put her on my hip

"I'm going with Da," I call to dad

Da is holding Nick's hand and his shoulder with his other hand I laugh at the site

we all get off the plane

"food food food foodie," Jax yells and repeats

Lilly, Luke, Lucas, Levi, Neil all join in

"we will get food after we get out of the airport!" Daddy tries to reason

Nick, Rex start to join in because they know it is bugging Dad and Da we get our luggage

"I'm hungry I'm hungry I'm hungry I'm hungry!"Joy complains

"knackered," Lucas yells angry

Carson is jumping around like a nutter he slept the whole flight even if he is an adult he is hyper as a kid sometimes, Kasey is on her phone not looking up just texting her friends

My Big Family ?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang