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I watched and actually supported Balan Wonderworld. Though there are some hate, I don't care what other say. Like me, there are those who are like:

"Can't we just move past the bad stuff and enjoy the good stuff on this game? Is that too much to ask? I played this game all weekend and it's really fun! It could be improved a little, but it's still fun and I love it!"

"The demo and the game are different. If you're saying the game is bad, then you've shouldn't have come here."

"I have a thing or two to say about Balan Wonderworld, but the more I research on the development process, the more I am starting to believe this project was sabotaged and made to fail.Such a travesty. There are amazing hidden gems in this series but it was so poorly executed."

"This breaks my heart. It sums up the whole BWW community. How many people hate it for everything that it is and how very few love the game despite it's flaws. I wish that it wasn't like this. Balan Wonderworld deserved so much more positive feedback. It just needed a little more love and time to make it a great game."

"The community surrounding the series is so negatively mixed that its heart breaking, but at least it ain't hard to find the kinder ones"

"I know this game isnt perfect but that's okay. There are still good things that have come from it. A community of fans have been made threw discord and the people there are lovely and kind. Probably has one of the nicest fanbases out there.We ended up going out our way to even send fan art to and letters to Mr Naka and Mr Ohshima. Telling that the game has meant a lot to us and just sending postive vibes to them and the company. They will continue to make games but Balan will just become the mascot of the company. Also if the game wasn't your thing there is always the novel too and expand on the story as well."

"It's a fun game, heck it deserves a lot of love like the other games that got abandoned once but are being brought back so your not the only that fills like their heart is sinking to see this game have so many haters I am too, this game deserves more love, more positive and more respect"

or something like that. I have to agree because the demo isn't the full game just an idea of what the game would be and a way to see others suggestions and improve. Sure it could use some improvement, but overall it was fun to play. The team, Balan Company, put a lot of effort into this game and it would be nice if there are more of you supporting them. Maybe something happened during production, but it happens. It's a part of life. I'm not forcing, but I just wanted to say what's been on my mind.

Anywho I'm adding some of my characters into the story. Not a lot, but some that our heroes will meet during their time in Wonderworld.


Eri Midoriya - After saving Nightopia, she continued to search for her father. Eventually becoming like her father with each step she take.

Nights - The hero of Nightopia, Nights helps Eri when her assistance is needed.

Emma Cole - Emma worries that people are only nice to her when talking to her face then talk ill of her as soon as her back is turned.

Leo Craig - Several years ago Leo had a big argument with his best friend and has preferred being alone ever since.

Balan - The maestro who guides the three children through Wonderworld; Those who see him never tire of his unexpected and comical antics. He is a charismatic entertainer and the host of the Balan Theater.

Lance - Balan's opposite and the main villain in Wonderworld.

(OC Characters)

Lyra Amanda - An upcoming singer who can't find the confidence to perform in front of others after something in her past.

The Dark Phantoms - Unknown powerful enemies that are encountered in several parts in Wonderworld.

Mercutio - Someone in the dark who is behind the series of attacks and the one pulling the strings of the Dark Phantoms.

(Video by "Danny Aiu")

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