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"You were my little bit of magic."
― MsKingBean89,

"Anything for our Moony"
― MsKingBean89,

"He had never known two people could be simultaneously so angry with each other and so much in love.

And it was love. Without a doubt."
― MsKingBean89,

"I've loved keeping your secret, Remus wanted to say, I'd keep a thousand more, for you."
― MsKingBean89,

"[T]he problem was, some limits weren't fences. Sometimes they were edges; with nothing on the other side."
― MsKingBean89,

"Sorry isn't good enough. Your guilt isn't good enough. I need you to feel it too. I trusted you. I trusted you with every last secret, I offered you every piece of me. What else have I got now? I could kill you. I could bash your teeth in so you choke on them, I could wrap my hands around your throat and squeeze, I could rip you to pieces, I could, I could, I could kiss you, you fucking bastard."
― MsKingBean89,
"after all that waiting they hadn't had very long at all in the end"
― MsKingBean89,

"Pete. A word."

― MsKingBean89,

"Didn't I tell you, Moony? Didn't I tell you?!" He whispered, feverishly.
"You did," Remus smiled, weakly. He lowered his voice, so that no one else could hear him, and looked at Sirius carefully, "Was it scary? Was I scary?" He had no idea what he looked like in wolf form.
Sirius's expression did not flicker.
"No." He said, firmly. "You were beautiful."― MsKingBean89

"Remus lived in fear that if he wrote it down, or said it out loud, then everyone would find out his secret. And it was better to keep stuff like that in your head."
― MsKingBean89,
"One emotional crisis at a time"
― MsKingBean89,

"He wished they would invite him, just once. He wished he wasn't always the one left out, he wished he knew how it felt to have a friend as close as James. More than ever, he wanted someone to talk to. Suddenly overwhelmed, Remus quickly casted his own spell, so the others wouldn't hear him crying."
― MsKingBean89,

"Anything for our Moony."
― MsKingBean89,

"You don't understand. (...). When I think about myself with them (girls), I can just... see it, y'know? I know how it's going to play out. I know what i'm s'posed to do. When i think abut me and you... you know, the real me and you. It's just... I can't see how it ends. I just tried not to think about it. So, I know I was a bit of a dick, I could have handled it better, but I swear, I didn't want it to end like that."
― MsKingBean89,

"Sirius had been in free fall since Christmas, it had just been a matter of who he would crush when he finally landed."
― MsKingBean89,

"As he unlocked his front door, he could hear the phone ringing. It took him a few moments to get in - the wooden frame had swollen with all the rainfall, and the door got gummed up sometimes - but when he got in, it was still ringing. Must be urgent , he thought, absent-mindedly.
He shouted, "Padfoot? You in?" as he crossed the the room, then lifted the receiver, "Hello?"
"Hello? Hello, Remus, is that you?"
"Mary? Hi! I just got back - where the hell is everybody?!"
There was a strange silence on the end of the phone, and a horrible static prickle ran down his spine. "Mary?!"
"You haven't heard..."
"Jesus Christ, Mary, what?!"
"Remus... something awful has happened."
She started explaining, and Remus fell to his knees as the whole world began to fall apart."
― MsKingBean89,

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2021 ⏰

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