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"7:15, monkeys. Come on." A voice called out, causing Margaret Gallagher to groan, cursing her eldest sister for waking her up. The girl laid still beside her brother in their bed for only a moment longer before she darted up at the feeling of Lip jumping over the side of their top bunk.

"First shower!" Her younger brother Carl shouted before slamming the bathroom door, causing Lip to bang on it in frustration. "fuck! shit." He groaned before giving his sister a look. "What are the chances he saves some hot water this time?" Lip questioned the girl.

"I'm going to murder that little fuck." Margo swore before retreating into Debbie's room, which had been her's before her little brother Liam was born. The girl threw on Carl's old dark blue speedy Gonzales t-shirt, which she had bedazzled, and a pair of jeans that were probably not hers either but she had worn all week.

Margo clumsily slipped on a pair of mismatched socks as she ran down the stairs into the kitchen before sliding into her seat between Ian and her father's empty spot. "Electric," Fiona spoke as she sat an empty granola bar box on the table.

Margo dug into her pocket and pulled out about thirty dollars in change, tossing the cash into the box before grabbing a spoon from across the table and taking a large bite of the cereal Lip had poured in a bowl for her.

"Electric." She mumbled with a mouth full of off-brand cocoa puffs before Lip dug through his own pockets as Ian entered the room, dragging their unconscious father by his feet.

"No, you got a happy meal on the front of that shirt." Fiona scolded Carl. "Maybe if Margo would stop stealing all my clothes." The boy spat as Fiona flipped his shirt inside out before putting it back onto him. "Bull, I only took the shirts that don't fit you."

"Yeah, cause they fit you so much better?" Fiona mumbled as Lip complemented Debbie on her forged signature, which had improved greatly. "Baby tees are all the rage." Marley snickered.

"Who's got the phone?" Fiona questioned, causing Lip to dig through his pockets once again. "I got it."

"Any minutes left?" He tossed the phone to the older girl." Uh, 14." He responded as Fiona caught it and shoved it into her back pocket. "Hey, I need something for show-and-tell," Debbie spoke as she returned to her seat. "How much are we short?" Fiona questioned the ginger.


"Oh, I'm tutoring after school. I should be able to kick in like ten more." Ian suggested as Margo watched Fiona prop the wash machine door close with a wooden chair. "Carl put in any?" Ian wondered out loud.

"You're almost nine. You're going to have to start pulling your weight." Debbie instructed the boy. "That's right, and get a real job, not just dipping into the collection plate at St. Tim's." Marley agreed, the boy shooting his elder sister a glare as she drank the rest of her coffee.

"I'm filling in for Candi. I can cover the rest." Fiona spoke as she attempted to feed Liam. "Extra kraut on mine." Lip and Margo spoke in unison. "Cheese on mine," Ian added, to which Fiona simply nodded in acknowledgment. "Somebody's got to take Liam."

"Uh, we've got a calculus test." Margo refused as she and Lip stood. "I'm working after school." Ian shrugged. "Show-and-tell? " Margo suggested. "Show them the birthmark on his back. It looks like Latvia." Fiona agreed before handing Liam to Debbie.

bad idea // shamelessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن