nagito komaeda's luck in conjunction with sickness

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a short fluffy sickfick for the soul. don't worry, i also have some angst on the way 🤩

as soon as he'd seen snow falling, nagito had begged and begged to go out in it. it took around twenty minutes to finally drag hajime out of the door, and for nagito it was worth it. he adored the snow. he'd built not one, not two, but three snowmen, as well as thrown a few snowballs at hajime (all of which had been dodged) before starting to get worn out. they'd been out in the cold for quite a while now, nagito completely lacking the proper clothing, and hajime made the executive decision to wrap things up.

"okay, nagito, we should go inside." hajime looped an arm around the aforementioned's shoulders. "you're freezing- woah." as soon as the words left his mouth, hajime took them back. on the contrary, nagito was quite hot. he wasn't freezing, he was burning up.

nagito shrugged his boyfriend off. "i'm fine. look, i'm having fun!" nagito dropped to his knees beside one of the snowmen he'd built, digging his ungloved hands into the fresh snow beneath him. "see?" he said. as if to prove his point further, he flopped over onto his back, waving his arms out beside him to make a snow angel.

"nagito- get up." hajime extended a hand to help the boy up, a tad exasperated. "you've already given yourself a fever, i kept telling you it was too cold out and we stayed out too long and you're hardly wearing anything temperature appropriate and-"

"hajime, hey, stop fussing." nagito smiled, tone comforting, as he got up from the ground (using hajime's hand for support). he was shivering twice as hard now after laying in the snow. "really, i feel fine."

and then nagito sneezed. not just a little sniffly sneeze either, no, this sneeze was dad-sneeze level sonic boom. he looked back up at hajime, strings of snot hanging from his nose.

"i rescind nothing." nagito stated.

now that there was the time-sensitive matter of finding something to wipe all this snot on, hajime managed to get nagito inside. it was clear that nagito was ill, but hajime, master (m̶a̶l̶e̶w̶i̶f̶e̶) caretaker, was up for the challenge of healing him.

"you're a mess, you know that?" hajime busied himself around the kitchen while nagito sat down at the table. hajime handed nagito a tissue. "here, wipe your nose." hajime feigned irritability, but he was, kind of, enjoying this. he really did have a strong nurturing side. who knew?

nagito smiled a little as he wiped his nose clean. "wow. i really am lucky, having a strong man to take care of me." something about nagito's voice was, maybe, a little too happy.

hajime's movements slowed. after a moment's pause, he turned around to face nagito.

"nagito, did you get yourself sick on purpose?" hajime accused.

nagito laughed, and his cheeks flushed even deeper. "would it be bad if i did?"

"well, yeah." hajime rolled his eyes, neglecting to explain that he worried about nagito's health (often).

"well," nagito mused, "i'll neither confirm nor deny it."

as usual, nagito masked his emotions flawlessly. there was no double meaning to what he said, and his face and tone were completely neutral. and since it would be just like nagito to be cryptic even if he hadn't done anything, it was impossible to tell whether he'd actually made himself sick or not (though hajime still suspected he had).

"mm, sure." hajime said, unimpressed. he turned back to what he was looking for in the kitchen.

"maybe it's just my luck." nagito added. "i do have rotten luck."

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