Start from the beginning

"Umm, no Gran you don't need a.." she tried to tell her as Kendall pulled her into him "would love to give you a tour. Let's start in the park." Kendall told her as he linked his arm with her grandmothers as they began to walk away "ooh, your strong." Gran told him as Chloe laughed as Kendall turned to her smiling as Chloe looked at him with wide eyes as they headed off.

"And as we conclude our tour, please help yourself to complementary Palm Woods Lemonade." Kendall told her Gran as she turned to Chloe "is it real lemons?" She asked as Chloe shook her head "I don't know Gran why don't you go ask them." She told her as she watched her Gran walk off as she turned to Kendall.

"What do you think you're doing?" Chloe asked panicking as she took off her shades finally "I'm learning a lot more about you. Like, how your Gran taught you how to play the piano at four or that you knew how to dance before you could walk and that your Grandma..." But when he said that Chloe put her finger to his lips "don't call her that, it's Gran, okay." She told him as she turned to her.

"My Gran is not a big fan of Gustavos boy bands he makes and she likes it when I dress like this, so she will be very disappointed and angry. If she finds out your apart of one of them and I normally dress in jeans or dresses in which she will then book me and her a flight and take me away and you'll never see me again." Chloe told him freaking out as he put his hands on her shoulders "okay, okay, I don't want that. Is there anything I could do to help?" Kendall asked as Chloe smiled.

"Yeah, you can leave run as fast as you can. Maybe tell Kelly or Gustavo that my Grans in town cause I can already tell that my gran hates the lemonade and is gonna invite you to dinner." She told him as they both turned to the women "this isn't lemonade! What are you feeding her, low lives!" Gran was yelling at the man as Chloe turned back.

"My Gran is a very powerful women with an even more powerful voice." Chloe told him as he looked at her laughing "please, I can handle your grandma." Kendall told her as the woman soon arrived knocking a boy in the pool "Chloe put your shades back on." The woman told her as Kendall looked from her to Chloe who already did so "Kendall, you'll be joining us for dinner, come on." She told them as she already started walking away as Kendall linked his arm with Chloe as she turned to him as he took her sunglasses off and he could see her worried look as they headed off.

They all walked in as Gran was looking for the staff, Kendall was trying to calm Chloe down as the waiter soon arrived seeming shocked by the amount of people "uh, right zis way." The man said as her Gran walked ahead as Chloe continued to freak out as she saw the other guys "there here two everything's gonna go so wrong." She panicked as she tried to grab her sunglasses from Kendall but he wouldn't hand them over "Chloe, you don't need these." Kendall told her as the girl gave up and then walked ahead of him annoyed "Chloe, please." Kendall told her walking after her.

"ah, isn't this nice, So, Kendall what is it that you exactly do in LA." Gran asked as Chloe smiled "well, I'm in a band." Kendall told her as Chloe kicked him in the leg as she laughed "you know, I have to go to the restroom and so does Kendall." She told her as Chloe pulled him along.

Both ending up by the kitchen she looked at him "why'd you kick me, she asked what I do in LA and I was trying to help you." Kendall told her as Chloe laughed nervously "why don't you just say hey you should by those airplane tickets right now cause hmm, I'm in a boy band made by Gustavo." She told him as Kendall looked right at her.

"I don't even know who my mom is because of that women and I'm pretty sure, I saw James dressed as a waiter and Katie hiding in the bushes with a slingshot, plus Gustavos here, if my Gran sees him it's gonna be bad." Chloe told him as Kendall furrowed his brows "James's is here?" He asked as Chloe motioned right to him as he walked up to them.

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