Have I been a bad friend for not checking up on her? I mean I didn't know there was anything to check up on, being as though she kept ensuring me that things were going well with her and Jayceon. I guess not. Why did she feel like she couldn't confide in me? She knows that I'm always here for her.

I decided to walk to her hotel room and comfort her the best way that I could. She shouldn't be going through all of this alone, especially in a whole other state when I'm a couple of doors down.

Knocking on her door, I awaited a response. After a while she finally came to the door. Taking in her appearance, her face was slightly reddened as she fixated her face into a soft smile.

"Hey Ya. What's up? Do you need anything?" She asked as I walked inside. Closing the door, she turned around with a questionable look.

"Rin, sit down and let's talk." I said as I patted the space beside me on the bed. She walked over and sat next to me as she stared into space.

"Karin, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I overheard your conversation with Ben. Why didn't you tell me? You don't have to hurt on your own when you have me." I said.

She sighed. "Damn, you did?" She shook her head as tears threatened to spill from her eyes. Grabbing her hands, I rubbed them to comfort her. After a while she began to speak up.

"I'm sorry I didn't talk to you about it. It's just, you're so happy with Kentrell and I didn't want to put all of my problems onto you. Plus...I was ashamed." She shook her head.

"Ashamed of what? What could you possibly be ashamed about?" I asked.

"Ashamed because I'm in a relationship but have feelings for someone else. If I told you, I knew you would just tell me that I'm sabotaging my happiness. I thought you would look at me differently." She said as I frowned.

"If anything, I would've told you that you were trying to find your happiness. And if that's with Ben, then I say go for it. As for looking at you differently, I could never. I know who you are, and I know your character. And trust me babes, a wave of confused feelings could never change how I see you. I want you to feel comfortable talking to me. Relationship or not, you're still my bestfriend and I love you." I said. In this moment, she was now full blown crying which caused me to wrap my arms around her in a hug.

"Stop crying girl, cus if you don't, then Ima start crying and we just gone be a couple of sad bitches with bonnets on." I said making her laugh. After a while the crying settled down and now we were just chilling on her bed scrolling through movies. I texted Kentrell a while ago that Karin needed me, which he understood.

"Soooo... team Ben or team Jayceon?" I said making her throw a pillow at me. I started laughing because this was a serious subject.

"You play entirely too much. And to be honest, I honestly don't know. I'm complexed regarding my feelings. Jayceon is a picture perfect boyfriend, we look good together and we vibe. But Ben, I feel like I can be myself around him, like I don't need to be perfect." she said as I nodded.

"Well, I think you already know who the contender of your heart is. Just take your time." I said with a smile. She smiled back as we both hugged. For the remainder of the night we sat there and watched movies and caught up with each other. I made a promise to myself to be a better friend and I plan on keeping it.

Later that night...
2 am

*Knock Knock Knock*

I woke up at the sound of knocking. Looking around, I observed the snack filled bed and Karin sleeping to my right. Looking at the nightstand, I saw in red bold numbers that it was around 2 am. Grabbing a throw blanket, I wrapped it around my body and made my way to the door.

"Who is it?" I asked

"Knee Scraper." He whispered back. I rolled my eyes and fought back my laugh. Opening the door, I came face to face with Kentrell who's face screamed tired. He was scratching his head while looking down. Knowing him, I knew this was an indication that something was on his mind.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked as I shut the door and stepped into the hallway. The hallway light made me see his face more clearly, he looked distraught. I grabbed his face to scan over it.

"None I just-"

"Don't keep it from me. Tell me." I said

He sighed. Removing my hands from his face, he wrapped them around his body as he leaned down to hug me.

"C-Can you come sleep wit me? Ion want to be alone." He said making my heart melt. Now I know what the problem was. I'm guessing he was having one of his nightmares, he doesn't like when I call it that but that's what they are. He's been having them ever since his grandma passed. I didn't know about them because they started when we both fell out, but now that we're past that, he seems to think that I'm the only solution.

"Of course, you don't ever have to ask me." I said while rubbing his back. I love moments like these where he's not afraid to be vulnerable. A lot of people don't see this side of him, and think just because he doesn't show it, that gives them permission to treat him like he isn't human.

Walking down the hallway to our room, I sent a quick text to Karin to let her know my reasoning for leaving. I climbed into bed and wrapped my arms around him. It was silent for a few moments until he turned around to face me without him breaking free from my arms.

"What's on your mind?" I asked as he began playing with my curls.

"I had a dream. That something bad had happened to you and I couldn't do anything to stop it. I was yelling out for you but you couldn't hear me, you wouldn't listen. I thought I lost you mama. The shit felt so real that I panicked when you wasn't in the room wit me. That was until I remembered you was just a couple rooms down." He said as I began rubbing his face.

"Baby, you'll never lose me. As long as we remain keeping our promise to each other, then you stuck with me. We've fallen out before but it didn't take long for us to find each other again. Every obstacle you face Kentrell, best believe I'm gonna be beside you. I love you, no dream can make you forget that." I said. I felt his breathing start to dial down as I continued rubbing his face. I continued my motions until I heard his breathing become more audible and deep. Looking at his face, he was indeed asleep.

I smiled at how peaceful he looked, my baby can finally get some good sleep, he's gonna need it for his show tomorrow. I kissed ever spot on his face and finally landed a kiss onto his lips. Laying back down on the pillow, I just sat there while admiring his face.

"I love you Chanel." He mumbled as his eyes remained closed. I couldn't tell if he was fake sleep or if he was truly compelled to say that as he slept.

"And I love you Desean." I said while snuggling into his chest. I thank most high for him everyday and for placing him back into my life.


Awww 🥰 I love them. Don't you?

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Bluejay with a message? 👀

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