seven ,, sticky

443 15 1

chapter seven


"I don't trust your cousin."

The following morning, Robby and I agreed not to let any of the other Miyagi-do kids in on our plan, in case it all went belly up. He had come to meet me at my locker after fourth period, leaning against the grey metal and expressing his doubts.

"You barely know Ian."

The Keene boy nodded. "That's my point.

Shaking my head, I grabbed his arm and pulled him along with me as we went to lunch. Yesterday, Ian had told us that he would find a way into the Karkaroff house, and that we shouldn't worry about it.

"He's gonna do something dumb."

I was about to refute his comment when I realized that Robby actually had a point. Despite his large IQ, there was a lot that Ian Fallon lacked in the brains department.

"And you're quiet right now because there's nothing you can say against it."

I sighed, puling open the heavy door to the West Valley cafeteria. There was a lot I hated about the cavernous room, the lunchtable cliques and echoing noise being two of them.

"At least he didn't cut Corey in on this. Once Corey gets involves, it'll either end up on YouTube or fall apart on us." Was all I found myself saying as I grabbed a lukewarm slice of pizza. At least it was fresh.

West Valley was a jungle, somewhere I never truly found my standing. Once I had rolled with the athletes: star running back of the rugby team. Until my shoulder injury took that away and I was regaled back to the nerds table. More often than not, I found myself eating on dingy floors in hallways I knew nobody would enter. A sad way to live, really. I was still figuring myself out.

Robby and I sat towards the back of the room, the self-described Miyagi-do table, which we shared with Demetri, Chris, Sam and the other Miyagi-do students who attended West Valley. The Cobra Kai table was clear on the other side of the room, Hawk Moskowitz shooting us and angry glare as we sat down. Of course, Johnny Lawrence likely told them all about Miyagi-do's money woes, and they were likely rejoicing on the inside.

"Don't pay them any mind." Samantha said, her voice as calm and collected as it always had been "Don't give them the satisfaction."

I snorted "The satisfaction of what? Knowing that they got on my last goddamn nerve?"


I considered letting it go. Really, I did.

And then Hawk Moskowitz happened. God, I hate that guy.

When I spied the boy with the bright red mohawk getting up from the Cobra Kai table, I knew it wasn't going to be good. I nudged Robby with my knee, pointing a cream colored fingernail in the other boy's direction. Robby's eyes widened before his face morphed into one of discontent.

"What do you want?" I asked, annoyance creeping into my tone

"I heard Mr. LaRusso can't afford to keep the dojo open anymore." Hawk said, a sly smirk on his face "Whatever will you do?"

I clenched my hand into a fist, the edge of my nails digging into my palm.

"Ringo." Robby warned "Keep your cool."

"Not likely." I hissed back

"Too bad for you, Fallon. No other dojos are going to take you on account of your useless shoulder. Quit while you're ahead, like you did with rugby."

I sprung out of my seat. "You wanna go, Moskowitz?"

"What are you going to do? Tai-chi me into the floor? Move me with your mind? We all know you can't fight."

"Try me, Eli." I said, getting out of me chair, metal legs scraping across floor titles as I rounded the table to face the boy. "You don't scare me."

"Stand down, Fallon." Demetri whisper-shouted, seemingly folding into himself as he spoke

"Do your worst, Moskowitz." I said, a hint of challenge in my tone as I finished. The rest of the Myiagi-do table looked at me, concern in their eyes. Nobody had any clue what Hawk would do next.

Hawk hit me first, shoving me backwards by the bad shoulder. I reacted fast, throwing a punch at his stomach, which he blocked. While he was busy blocking, I landed a kick to his kneecap. He was only off balance for a second before he tried to kick me, sending me scrambling to find a block. Panicking, Chris passed me his empty lunch tray, which I used to hit Hawk before he twisted my arm around my back.

I was at a loss. I tried to step on his feet, or kick him somehow, but all the did was laugh before throwing me to the ground, my bad shoulder landing on the tile floor and sending a jolt of paint through my body.

I cried out, watching Hawk retreat to the Cobra Kai table, Demetri, Sam and Robby comng over to help me up.

"Hey, Ringo. Can you move your arm?" Robby asked, putting one of my arms across his shoulders to support my weight

I nodded. "A little, but it hurts like hell."

Demetri looked over at the table, where Miguel Diaz was shooting me a sorry look as Hawk laughed with Tory Nichols. "What the hell happened to him?"

"Johnny Lawrence happened." I grimaced, getting to my feet. "With a slogan like 'strike hard, strike fast, no mercy', I don't know what he expected to happen."

With a final look towards the Cobra Kai table, I allowed Robby to lead me out of the cafeteria, Sam close behind. She was likely going to some sort of authority figure, though it probably wouldn't do much good. I just needed space.

I just hoped Ian was having more luck with his side quest than I was.


hi! another short-ish chapter but i think i'm goign to make the next one focus on our favourite dumbass cousin ian trying to con his way into the karkaroff house. i have too much faith in it.

 i have too much faith in it

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