two ,, perfect posture

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chapter two

perfect posture

It had felt like hours, thought it had probably only been minutes since Corey had left me stranded in front of Berkley law school. With no escape possible from Ian, I had to find a way to occupy my time.

Eventually I began to wander, finding myself in a campus bookstore.

Now, if you have never been in a campus bookstore, you should probably know that the campus bookstore is your one-stop buy-everything place for a university student. You can buy basically anything there.

I didn't need any textbooks, and I already had too many hoodies, but for some reason I was gravitated towards the housewares section of the store.

As I wandered through the aisles of mugs and candles and cakes mixes I thought of my room back at home. Of how the shelves of rugby trophies just brought a sense of sadness when I peered over at them, or how my overflowing bookshelf gave me anxiety. About how the entire room still felt very juvenile.

I stopped at the end of an aisle, staring at the row of picture frames. One picture frame was more like a shadow box, filled with baby oil, glitter and little rubber goldfish that moved every time you shook the frame.

My mother, ever practical had always told me that frames like that were a waste of money.

Good thing she wasn't there to stop me now.

Another great thing about college bookstores: basic housewares are very affordable.

I picked up some wall sticker with famous British landmarks, and I also grabbed some small vanilla scented tea lights. When I got home, my entire room was getting a makeover.

As I was checking out, my phone buzzed from my back pocket.

Robby: soooo i figured you'd be bored by now.

i'm gonna be your night in shining armour.

robby sent a game of 8Ball.

Chuckling to myself, I quickly wrote back, throwing a family size bag of pretzels onto the counter.

Your spelling is atrocious.

Robby: so is your argyle sweater

He had a point. I adored that green sweater I found at a thrift store because it was soft as hell. It was, however, lacking in the style department.

Taking my purchases, I sat back down outside the main entrance and opened my bag of pretzels while I tried to figure out how to strategically beat Robby Keene at virtual pool, seeing as how we never got to play real pool in my basement due to the entire floor now being occupied by Ian.

Twenty minutes and four rounds later, the score was three Ringo and Robby one. Usually our tourneys went the other way around, but I wasn't about to complain.

Ringo: you still coming over later to watch alice in borderland?

Robby: is your cousin going to let us use the tv?

Ringo: he better

Another half hour passed and I wondered, not for the first time, where the hell Corey was.

"Come on Corey." I muttered, bobbing my head along to a WSTR track from like five years ago "How long does a college interview take?"

"Ohmigosh!" A blonde nearby squealed "It's that guy from YouTube! YouAlrightCorey?!"

Great. The fangirls had found us. Corey was letting his borderline fame get to his head, and it was getting on my nerves. I had to deal with it all the time at school, where Corey Fallon was a legendary name, and now I guess I was going to deal with it in the real world too.

"Ladies, there's enough of me to go around." Corey laughed, holding his arms out as he walked down the steps. I rolled my eyes. This was going to be good.

Corey took pictures with the two girls, and people were starting to gather. Even people who didn't recognize him from his mediocre internet fame were just curious to see what was going on.

"Aye Corey!" A tall lanky guy in a Lakers jersey hollered "Saw you on Fail Army last week! That was a nice one!"

Last week, Corey had been featured on Fail Army trying to wrap elastic bands around a watermelon. You could hear mom screaming in the background as the entire fruit exploded.

"Great, can I have the keys now?" I spoke sarcastically holding out my palm. there was no way I was getting the truck keys from Corey. Ever. That thing was his child.

Corey pretended not to hear me as he ruffled his hair and jumped up onto the edge of the ornate fountain in the middle of the square.

"Now is not the time for parkour Corey. My shoulder is in pain and I really just want to get home." I protested as everybody around us pulled out their phones, no doubt ready to get a dose of YouAlrightCorey? in person

"Corey, this is ridiculous!"

Corey continued to pretend like he was in the freaking X games or something and continued to elaborately make his way around the fountain by way of cartwheels, moonwalks and general dumbassery.

And the crowd loved it.

"Corey!" I shouted, trying and once again failing to get his attention

Sighing, I walked around to the other side of the fountain, completely done with his games. Now, dear reader, I know you're going to think I'm a real bitch for this, and I can assure my parents have already scolded me.

All at once, the crowd behind us hollered "You alright Corey!?" and my brother simply sat up and flashed them a grin.

"Come on, asshat. Let's get home before mom calls." I said quietly, taking the truck keys

"I'm soaking wet, Ringo. How on earth do you expect me to drive?"

"There's spare clothes in the trunk, dummy. Come on."

The crowd seemed sad to see Corey go, but he juts waved them off with a quick "I'll be back fall semester! This campus is not ready for Corey Fallon!"

"Alright Mr. Internet Superstar." I laughed "Let's go tell mom the good news."


this chapter is so short. yikes. the next should be longer bc that's when ringo and robby are going to watch alice in borderland, and i really need to rant about that show and my u n h e a l t h y obsession with niragi and my emotional trauma after episode three sooooo

xx Tasia

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