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After dinner, we headed to Midoriya's room. 
His mom had already set a futon bed on the ground. 
I sat down on it, curling my knees into my chest as Midoriya sat down in front of me. "Are you sleepy?" 
I shake my head. Sleep isn't a thing I'm very good at.
"You have a lot of dolls," I say, studying the various Allmight figures spread across his room. 

"They're action figures! And mind you, some of these are exquisite," he frowns, picking up one of them and brushing the plastic hair with his fingers.
"Big fan?" I raise my eyebrows. 
"Well...sort of, yeah. I admire him a lot. The way he smiles even though everything's blowing to shit and how brave he is, not to mention how much strength he has." he smiles, his eyes shining as he speaks of the man. 
"He is a great hero." 
Midoriya looks at me, eyes twinkling. "You said 'is'." he states. 

"Well he is a great hero, don't you agree?" I ask, confused. 
"Most people say he's in the past. After what happened at Camino. He's still a source of inspiration but the media all talk about him like he's dead. And I hate that. He might not be as strong as he was, but Allmight's still alive and he's still powerful. He's an amazing teacher and honestly, I see him as a f-" he stops, suddenly. "I started muttering again, right?" he brings a hand to the back of his neck and smiles apologetically. 

"Why are you apologizing?" I say, looking at him. "It's your house and besides, it's cute." I wink. 
Midoriya turns a deep shade of scarlet. "Hey-" he stutters. 
This. This is exactly how I've been trained. Make sure they trust me and are vulnerable around me.
"Hey, what else can you do with your quirk? Cause I saw the wings but you also somehow pinned Todoroki down-"
"Oh that. Well I don't really know the extent of my power," I lie. I don't know how much I can tell him. It's probably safe as I'm going to be here for a while. He's gonna see it all anyways. 
"I can manipulate objects, like move stuff around. I can even manipulate people but that takes more strength because the human mind is really complicated. I have animal quirks and lastly, a little bit of a strength thing going on,"

"How many-" Midoriya gasped as if about to ask something but stopped as if he thought better of it. "That sounds really badass...can you move that?!" he was suddenly very excited, pointing to the notebook on his desk. 
I scoff a laugh and look at the notebook. 
My quirk is simple but it takes energy. I just have to think of what I want the person/object to do. I imagine the notebook flying up from the desk and landing on Midoriya's lap. 

And a couple of seconds later, it did. 
Midoriya gasped, clapping his hands together in glee and excitement. "That's so awesome!!" 

I laugh as I bring my hand in front of me, palm facing up. I feel the energy go from my chest to my arm, like an electric current or an ocean wave. In a second, there are black flames on my arm. They're cold though. 
They whip around gracefully, staying within a certain limit around my hand and dance around like embers in a fire. 

Midoriya looks absolutely amazed. He's staring at my hand in pure amazement, his mouth breaking into a wide, crunchy smile. "That is so, insanely cool!" he squeals. I make the flames disappear after a minute. "Well, yeah that's about it." I shrug. 
"Wait, you said you had animal quirks- is there anything else other than the wings and the...the- the puppy?" he grins at the last word. 
I snarl. "How dare you. It's a wolf, not a puppy," I state, frowning. 
"Sure, sure. You did look like a little puppy though-"
I hit him with a pillow. 
He gasps and then laughs out loud, a hand on his stomach. I frown, unimpressed. 

"How do you manipulate people?" Midoriya asks. 
I bite my lip, and breathe out. "It takes more energy. I can't do a lot with people. Well, not like, make them do stuff but I can show them things or make them feel things or look in their heads a little."
Midoriya was invested. "What do you mean show?" 

I grin I open my palm again. 
I feel the energy flow out of me and towards the green-haired boy. I exhale as Midoriya gasps. 
There's a pencil in my hand. 
The back of it is sculpted like Allmight. I laugh. 

"HOLY- I had that when I was five! How did you-"

"That's what I meant. I can access bits of your memory. Important memories. Core memories, if you will. Things that are on your mind a lot. And this?" I lift the pencil. "This isn't real, we're the only ones who can see this. Try and touch it. It doesn't exist here. I've just convinced your mind of its presence." 

Midoriya tries to lift the pencil off of my hand and gasps as his fingers go through it and land on my palm. His hands are warm. 
"Jeez, are you cold?" he asks, grabbing my hands. 
The pencil disappears. 
My eyes widen as I shake my head. 

He cups my hands in his and blows on them. 
"What are you-"
"Just a minute. I do this with Todoroki when his hand gets cold." He grins. 
He's warming my hands. 
I feel a hot rush on my cheeks as I yank my hands back. "It's okay. I think we better get to bed." I say, looking away. 

"Oh-" Midoriya rubs the back of his neck. "Sorry, did I make you uneasy? I'm sorry-"
"No, it''s okay. I'm just tired." I lie.

He gets up to close the light, passing me a smile before we both lie down on our separate beds. I stare at the darkness, blinking. 
"Are you okay?" I hear him. 
"Yeah, are you? Are you comfortable with me?" 

I think about it for a second. 
Yes. Midoriya feels safe. There's a pure and innocent feel to him. 
"Yes," I answer, softly. 
Midoriya lets out a sigh of relief. "I have an extra uniform for tomorrow if you need one," 
I would deny but since I have no other clothing options, I give in. "Thank you."

"Good night, Y/N. Sweet dreams,"

Right. Sweet dreams. 

"Good night, Midoriya," 


My Wolf [Bakugou x FTM reader) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now