First kings

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Chandra Gupta I

Chandra Gupta I, king of India (reigned 320 to c. 330 ce) and founder of the Gupta empire. He was the grandson of Sri Gupta, the first known ruler of the Gupta lineChandra Gupta I, whose early life is unknown, became a local chief in the kingdom of Magadha (parts of modern Bihar state).

The Greatest Indian Kings

1# Chandragupta Maurya (340 BC – 298 BC) :

2# Ashoka Maurya (304–232 BCE) :

3# Porus a.k.a. Puru :

4# Raja Raja Chola :

5# Kanishka I or Kanishka the Great:

6# Alha :

7# Prithvi Raj Chauhan :

8# Hemu a.k.a. Hemchandra Vikramaditya

India also consist of the largest empire !
Name -  The Maurya Empire

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