
Start from the beginning

"Ou, if we do. Can I come to talk to coach?"

"No, and no, we're going to play, but we're just going to hope really hard that it doesn't turn into a blood-soaked massacre."

"Stiles that's like saying, we hope for one day, sarcasm doesn't drip out of your mouth." Scott and the group laughed as Stiles gave me another look.

"I'm not liking this whole.."

"Too bad."

"Okay, but, um, aren't we kind of missing out on a chance to catch this thing?" We all looked at each other before looking at Liam. "We don't have the who, but we have the where and the when."

"Liam was a point."

"There's too many people, Erza."

"And we still don't actually know if it's going to happen. It just might end up being a regular lacrosse game. It's possible, right?" I gave Stiles a look.

"We live in beacon hills." Stiles sighed shaking his head into his hands.

"So we're still getting the game canceled?"

"We're getting the game canceled." I smiled knowing I get to see Coach, I quickly followed the boys out the library fast. This is stupid. I wanted to see Coach not Sheriff.

"Stiles, I'm... I'm not so sure I actually have that authority."

"You're the County Sheriff. You can't cancel a high school lacrosse game?"

"It's a charity game which generates tens of thousands of dollars. I have to go to the school board with evidence of a credible threat."

"A giant werewolf might rampage across the field killing people. That's an incredible threat."


"Look, we're going to have a presence at the game already." Stiles gave him a look, making Noah sigh. "I'll double it, I'll triple it."

"Triple... Dad, quadruple it. Octuple it."

"There's always a person who could forfeit the game." I said getting their attention. "The Coach."

"Not when you're stuck with a substitute who's strictly by the book." Scott told me.

"What about Finstock?"

"Rehab for the last seven months." I told him messing with my knee.

"Maybe it's time to check on his progress." Stiles told us, my face lite up. "Why do you like coach so much?"

"How can you not? He's like the funniest person I know." Stiles looked offended while Scott just nodded his head. "Let's go." I got up grabbing my bag, Stiles looked at Scott. "Well?" Stiles mumbled something walking out the station. "Bye Noah." I waved bye as I walked away Stiles and Scott following.

"So... you guys are using protection, right?" I covered my ears groaning.


"What? I want to know there using protection, so she doesn't end up on one of those TV shows, 16 and pregnant."

"Mieczyslaw!" Stiles gave me an annoying look. "We are, happy?"


"Rio." I mumbled leaning against the window. We parked getting ou the jeep heading into the rehab looking for Coach.

"Oh, my..." We looked at Sti.

"What?" I looked at Scott as he whispered, Stiles hit us pointing off somewhere, we followed where and saw Coach, laid back staring off into space. He walked over quickly sitting beside him. "Hey, Coach, it's Scoot, Erza, and Stiles." We looked at each other as he didn't move.

"Coach, you're in rehab. You didn't have a lobotomy." Stiles sighed when he didn't get a reaction. I sighed rubbing my temples. "Coach?" Stiles looked at the table reaching for the chest bored. Stiles grunts as Coach grabbed his arm, pulling it away.

"Don't you touch it. I've got Nurse Gonzalez by the balls of the last three moves and she knows it." He chuckled in midsentence, really? That gets his attention..

"Let it go. You're checking out of this place now."

"Not a chance."

"Okay, Coach. But we know you're fine." I said catching his attention.

"Hey, little Argent." Coach turned his attention back to the boys. "I have a debilitating disease. It's called 'I'm not going to take another arrow to my stomach-phobia.' Look it up."

"Nobody's shooting arrows at anyone, okay?" Stiles informed him.

"We just need you to coach the charity game." Scott told him.

"Okay." Coach scoffed. "Charity? Not a chance."

"How exactly have you been conning them into letting you stay here?" I asked turning my attention to him.

"I, uh... I have relapses. It's... It's serious. I've had seven of them. So once a month? Yeah, you see, uh, every time they are just about to discharge me," he clicked his tongue before continuing. "I relapse."

"And no one's noticed that pattern?"

"I have phenomenal health insurance. So why don't you guys get the hell out of here. I hate charity games. They're meaningless."

"I don't think the charities would agree." Coach sighed looking at us each.

"What's it for this year?"

"Cancer." Stiles told him slowly.

"For or against?" Seriously?

"Against, Coach. Deeply against."

"Yeah, okay, well, I'm deeply not interested."

"Coach, we need you."

"I will never coach there again."

"That's okay. Because we don't actually need you to coach the game." I told him smiling, he looked at us confused.

"We need you to forfeit." That got his attention.

"Please coach."

It's you -Brett Talbot [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now