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Chapter 15.

"She took out the whole school?"

"She took out the whole grid." I looked at Kira and gave her a smile.

"Look, I failed every single practice try. This isn't going to work."

"How far can we get without the brownout?" We all looked at Stiles as he rolled his eyes.

"The front door."

"We're going."

"Scott, we went through boxes of light bulbs." Okay...

"It doesn't matter."

"You can do this." Everyone looked at me weird. "What?"

"The key card won't work unless there's a reboot. And there's no reboot without a brownout." I looked at her and sighed.

"I know you can do this." They all looked at me again, "Again, what?"

"Anyone here think she can't?" I sighed and looked around, they looked at Scott.

"Not us." We looked at Sti.

"I was the one who put you in the plan." Then Malia.

"What?" Stiles held up to thumbs.

"'I believe in you too, Kira.'" I shook my head as he whispered it.

"I'm the one who's going to be locked in an electrical room with her." We all gave her a look. "You can do it." Kira looked at us all, like we were crazy.

"You guys are all crazy. We're gonna die." I sighed as we went over the plan, we put our attention on the door when Parish walked in.

"Ready?" Scott nodded and kissed Kira before we left into the van, I smiled at Scott before we zipped him up, of course going to zip Stiles up he would make a comment.

"Just remember, if I die of lack of oxygen, then, um, I'll kill you." I gave him an innocent smile before zipping him up. I got in the bag and sighed as Parish zipped me up. Here we go. I felt something get placed on top of me, shit. I heard a door close before we took off.

"So.. Erza you seem really um, cheery today." Really Stiles.


"Well, you haven't been that way in a while." Okay...?


"Oh my god, what changed?" I blushed, I am very thankful they can't see me.

"You're heart rate sped up." Shit.

"Brett makes me .... human, normal I guess?" I heard Li laugh a little.

"Normal? What would make you normal?"

"Well, Allison made me human and normal when we had se- no."

"You two had sex?" Thankfully our conversation was cut short as we stopped. "This conversation is not over." Right.

"Okay, dad."


"Stiles, shut up." I laughed at the boys but stopped when I heard people talking, I hate that I didn't get any werewolf hearing, to be honest I don't even know what my other trait is. I heard someone opening and closing a door. I heard the doors open, oh shit...

"They were found in the county tunnels way past rigor."

"Open them up, please." I heard a zipper before a smell burned my nose... ew. "No, no. Go, just go." I heard a zipper followed by a door closing, I smiled in relief when we began to move. I tensed when someone began to move mine, oh no... once I felt something on my back I sighed. I heard a few other things get placed down, before a door slammed and never opened again, I unzipped myself, jumping off the table seeing I was on a body, once I was off I saw the one beside me unzip, Liam. I jumped when a body fell on the floor. I saw Stiles and sighed, he attempted to get out of his, only to fall on the body, we all looked at him.

"Oh, my God. Never again." He exhaled deeply as he stood up. "Fifteen minutes. Starting now." We looked out the morgue room and walked out quietly, Scott stopped us a head up and looked at the corner.

­"What are they doing there?"

"I don't know. Their rounds should've ended five minutes ago."

"I can take them."

"No one's taking anyone."

"How much time?" Stiles sighed and looked.

"Three minutes."

"I could just knock them out and hide the bodies." Liam told them making Stiles sigh.

"Oh, my God, please stop." We jumped when someone banged, we looked at a patient.

"Did you take the doctor?"


"Did you take the doctor? I haven't had my medication. I need ten milligrams at 8am, 15 milligrams at 1pm, and no more than 20 at dinner." Okay...?

"We'll get the doctor..."

"Dr. Fenris. Dr. Fenris." The dude began to sob as he banged against the plastic glass. "They took Dr. Fenris." The dude banged again, catching the other dudes attention, shit. "I haven't had my medication. I need to see the doctor. They took Dr. Fenris."

"Hey, somebody shut him up."

"I need to see the doctor."

"Shut him up." Scott growled a little scaring the dude.

"Come on." Shit.... they stopped as the lights turned off, she did it! The guys ran pasted us instead.

"She did it. Kira did it. Five minutes to get to Lydia." We walked over to the gate only to stop, what? "Where's the card reader? It should be here. It has to be here." I sighed and looked at them...

"They must have taken it out when the Dread Doctors got through."

"Are you telling me we came all the way down here just to be stopped by an ordinary key? Are you kidding me?"

"We don't need a key. Not if we can break it down." We all sighed... They put all their werewolf strength into it. I sighed as the electricity cracked, they growled before roaring, they ended up pulling away grunting.

"Guys, we're running out of time." They bent over panting.

"We can't."

"The Mountain Ash."

"It's too much." I looked at Liam as he looked at the gate then the floor.

"What?" He looked at me then Scott.

"Hit me."


"Hit me."


"I'll get angry then I'll get stronger."

"Hit him. Hit him!" Scott looked at us, I looked at them.

"I tried to take your powers. I tried to kill you. Hit me."

"He also left you for dead." I hit Stiles' shoulder.

"I wanted you dead." That did it because next thing I know Scott decks him making him grunt and groan. Damn. "Do it again." He yelled as Scott punched him again. "It's gotta be harder than that. Do it! Do it!" Once he hit him again his eyes were yellow and claws were in his palm.

"Yeah! You angry?" He growled in response.

"Let's do this." He growled before prying off the gate door, Scott soon joined. Once it was off I was able to put my hand through, so mountain ash doesn't effect me.

"Stiles, Erza, go." We ran going to look for Lydia.

It's you -Brett Talbot [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now