"I see the carpet matches the drapes" i said as everyone around me was in their panick.


"Ive always wanted to do this"

More discgusted sounds from Philip and pushes from debbie and soon i was carrying the second most precious baby i had ever held. First being gemma and amy of course.

"Oh you precious being." I said holding the baby as i wrapped her up and took her to debbie

"Hi Frances" she said "Do you reconize my voice"


"After her grandfather" She said and the moment was ruined for me.

"Hey guys wheres carl"

"You just delivered a baby and youre worried about carl" sean asked me

"Im sorry this is the second time we've interacted?" I asked "dont question me"

"Well uh ive know you since you were just a baby so i do" lip said

"Focus on your niece"

"Hey how was your date" debbie asked

"The shittiest" i said

"Youre not gonna take a picture or anything" Fiona said


I gave sean my phone and and took a picture of me lip and debbie. And i continued out

This dress was one of those things that i was never gonna wear again to preserve the memory. I washed it, folded it up, and put it in my drawer. I took a shower in between. And when I finally laid down i had just noticed the sleeping boy in my bed

"Carl?" I asked.

"Hey lacie" He said waking up

"When did you get here"

"You were in the shower." He told me

"Did you warm up my bed" i asked as i got under the covers with him. In a platonic way. "You did. I fucking hate you"

"What did you want me to not sleep in your bed?" He laughed

"Yes that's exactly what I want" i told him. "You meet your niece"

"Nah. I kinda dont care" he told me.

"What are you gonna do when you have your own kids? You gonna not care"

"I dont think i want kids"

"I just delivered one. I never wanna stretch like that." Just thinking about it made me queasy. "I was the youngest and calmest person in the room"

"Its just a little blood"

"A little?" I gasped "thats nine months worth of period and and a placenta all on my arms. It was sweet to hold the baby but it was so gross"

"Sounds kinda hot"

"Carl i hate you" i told him

After a little bit of talking we started hearing my parents and svetlana having sex. They got married for the Alibi or sum.

"Wanna go to my place"

"Youre girlfriend isnt too fond of me. So no"

"Shes not there"

"But she could walk in at anytime" i told him "you can go home tho"

"Im good"

"Go meet your niece" i told him "I just spent an hour delivering her" And he shrugged " Carl your family is all you have"

"I have you"

"You know what i mean. Ill come with you but you have to hold DJ for at least five minutes"


"Debbie junior. Im not calling her frances. Especially not if its based of of frank." I said getting out of bed "come on"

"You gonna get dressed" he asked me.

I put on a big hoodie and we continued back to his house. I went up into debbies room and saw her holding Frances

"Youre back" she whisper yelled

"Yeah. Can i hold her" I asked

"Yeah of course" i went over and took her "i can finally use the bathroom"

I laughed at the little comment she made and sat down on debbies bed.

"Okay go downstairs and wash your hands" i told carl

He went and came back. He sat down and i helped him hold her.

"Its so small"

"Shes so small" i corrected him. We just sat there and looked at her. I took a picture knowing that id never get. To see this moment again. "Ok give her back"

"Why do you like kids so much"

"I dont. I like liam the twins and idk about this little redhead"  i told him

"You two look like a married couple. Give me my baby back" debbie said As she sat down "you guys can fuck all you want but dont paint the happy family picture with my child"

"Jesus Debbie i just wanted Carl to hold her" I said "I know you're tired but be more calm."


"You still going to school?" I asked her

"Not this week"

"Ok well Goodnight."

Hard times// carl Gallagher Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum