I'm just worried about you

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Hope's POV

I woke up and it was 10pm not to late but sadly still that date I felt myself about to break down I couldn't do this I missed him so much even when he wasn't there for me I still knew he was alive if I ever needed him but that comfort is gone the person that taught me how to accept my wolf side and the anger is gone and now I'm left empty and I knew he would be disappointed in me know so would mum and even the rest of the family if they spent to much time with me.

I needed to breath I needed a release I didn't go ask Dr Saltzman because he knew something was up with me whenever I needed to so I silently walked through the front of the Salvatore Boarding school and into the woods. I undressed and put my clothes under a bush just in case anyone was out quickly and shifted for some reason it hurt more than usual but that usually happens under more stress than usual.

I ran through the woods never pausing I loved the feeling of the wind going through my white fur, It felt like all my feelings had been released I just felt free sometimes I wish I didn't have to turn back so I could just let my wolf roam free but even then I would eventually feel lonely knowing I never got to run with my Dad or Mum. I made my way back to wear I put my clothes shifted and put them on I slowly made my way back to the School staring at the sky fully of stars and the crescent moon reminding me of my Mums pack and what was supposed to be mine.

As I eventually made my way back to the school I went through the door quietly knowing if Vampires were awake they could hear luckily no one heard me or stopped me making my way back to my dorm I still felt empty and broken as usual but at least I know my wolf will never leave me.

I opened my door and made my way back to the bed swiftly moving my had to close the door behind me I checked the time and it was 2am wow I had been running for nearly 4 hours I knew I needed to go back to sleep because if I didn't someone would be wondering why I was so tired in the morning. I fiddled with my mikaelson necklace thinking if I even really deserved to wear there crest knowing I didn't present them correctly I didn't show the brave mikaelson who didn't get emotional over nothing and didn't let anyone mess with them I was just weak and pathetic. I cried myself to sleep again like I had everyday since my parents died ever since I lost hope that's funny you don't even deserve your name

Josie POV

I was going to go talk to Hope after I hung out with the gang but decided not to because I was tired and new I would have to tell Lizzie I thought something was up with Hope and I now she would force hope to tell her I don't want to do that to her if she didn't want to tell me she didn't have to I just wanted to be there for her.

When I got back I just hung out with Lizzie in our bedroom talking about how he and MG would make a cute couple after her finally realising they would be cute together and that she liked him. After that we just went to sleep because we were both tired after hanging out with everyone and messing about like we usually did whenever we were In mystic falls.


she slowly leaned over to me pulling my waist over to her as I leaned back to her. Our lips met in the middle I was kissing Hope, my crush, her lips tasted like mangos and pineapples I carefully bit on her lip and she pulled away 'Josie wake up Joooosiiieee'

End of dream

I felt someone jump on top of me and I opened my eyes to see my sister jumping on top of me "JOSIE WAKE UP" "IM UP JESUS LIZZIE" I screamed back at her wondering why she had to wake me up on a Sunday "You were moaning In your sleep OMG you were totally having a sex dream" "No I wasn't Lizzie" I said trying to hide my blush after remembering my dream about Hope "You totally were you cant lie to me I'm your sister who was it about it better not be about Finch or someone else from Mystic Falls all of them are total dicks and you stopped going there like over half a year ago" I interrupted her ranting "OMG SHUTUP LIZZIE I WASNT HAVING SEX DREAM" I screamed and Dad walked in 'shit' "ummm. hi girls I wanted to talk to you and I'm going to pretend I didn't hear what that conversation was about" I nervously laughed hopefully he heard the first part of the sentence "Yes Daddy what is it" Lizzie jumped in before I could even explain anything "Well I want you to keep a close eye on Hope, make sure she's okay because of what yesterday was" Dad said making me worry a bit 'wait what the hell happened yesterday shit I knew something was up' Dad must have seen me and Lizzie's confused expression so he explained "O I thought you knew yesterday marked 4 years since Hope's Father died" I was speechless I should have realised I wasn't even there for ok I 100% need to make sure she's okay today "She went through yesterday alone I feel so bad what can we do to make it up to her because I would hate go through anything like that alone" "Yeah I agree with you Jo we're supposed to be her Best friends and didn't remember or realise that something was wrong" Me and Lizzie replied even though I knew something was wrong yesterday I didn't know what it was or how bad "Don't worry to much girls I did talk to her and she said she was fine but I'm not sure just check if she's okay today, but tomorrow her family are coming her for a surprise visit to make sure everything is ok they haven't seen her in over a year" Dad rubbed our backs while he continued talking making sure we didn't feel to bad and reassuring us that she was ok. But that didn't stop the feeling of guiltiness inside of me and deciding to go to Hope's.

I got up quickly giving me a slight head rush but ignored it looking at Lizzie and Dad's questioning eyes "I'm going to Hope's" I said while dashing out the door I walked to her room at a fast pace because I didn't want her to be alone like yesterday.

I knocked on the door but she didn't answer I twisted the handle but she must have put a spell on it so I put my hands up to the door syphoning the magic from it 'It was a strong spell another thing I love about Hope because she is an amazing with and I cant do half the stuff she can' I finished taking the spell down and opened the door to see hope lying asleep on her bed in a ball with tear streaks down her face most likely from yesterday 'I should have been there for her' I walked over to her and sat on the empty space on the bed removing the peace of her soft silky auburn hair from in front of her face and the remainders of tears from under her eyes. She stirred and her eyes slowly fluttered open revealing the ocean beneath them.

Hope POV

I felt someone touching my face and my opened my eyes. I saw Josie looking down at me in what looked like awe but realised my crush was in my bed staring at me and jumped startled that she was here she quickly embraced me in a hug I was annoyed and confused you don't just walk into someone's room and watch them sleep and you also don't hug someone for no reason I hugged her back because she was my crush of course I wasn't going to miss this opportunity but then pushed her away my curiosity getting the best if me"Why didn't you talk to me I could have been there for you yesterday you didn't need to go through that alone" I understood what she meant and tried to think of the best reply that didn't attract attention but instead I came out with " I was fine" I clearly wasn't but it was the only thing I could say in that moment "No Hope you weren't I'm your best friend you were supposed to come to be on days like this" Friends that word echoed in my head reminding me that's all we would ever be.

She said something but I didn't quite hear her still in my own thoughts "Hope Hope Hope earth to hope" She spoke while waving her hands in front of me I jerked back into reality "Yeah I was just thinking but seriously I'm fine now you don't need to worry I was just upset like I am every year but I get over it quickly so please don't worry yourself over me" Half of that was true she really didn't need to worry herself over me. "Ok if you say so but me, you and Lizzie are going to have a Harry Potter Marathon today and I don't care what you say about" I quickly jumped at the option to have a day with Josie to even if Lizzie was there just to be next to her semi-tanned skin her pink lips she was absolutely gorgeous but I need to get over her I'm no where near good enough for her you can tell by just looking at me. I just realised I was still staring at her in thought looking over her face. Then I looked down at her lips 'shit just have some control' but when I looked back up to her chocolate brown eyes they were staring somewhere else at my lips she moved forward but just as our lips were about to touch someone swung the door open.

I jumped onto the floor "SHIT" I screamed realising I don't swear in front of people Josie and the person and the door who turned out to be Lizzie was staring at me in surprise of the words that just came out of my mouth "One are you okay and two o my fucking god hope perfect mikaelson just swore" Lizzie screamed and started laughing Josie looked down and offered my her hand helping me to get up I took it willingly trying not to stare into her eyes and get lost in the trance.

"SOOOOOO.... Josie texted me saying we're gonna have a Harry Potter Marathon so you know obviously I accepted" Lizzie giggled trying to relieve the awkward tension in the air we talked for a bit and Lizzie and Josie kept asking if I was okay and I kept repeating the same thing "I'm fine" We set up some pillows and blankets on the floor and started to watch the movie

Second part Jesus my back hurts I should really have a better posture while writing these again sorry for if there's bad spelling I'm realllllyy bad at it this episode want to dark and it was a bit longer than the last one if anyone wants me to do longer or shorter parts just tell me also any ideas on how to improve it this took me longer than expected to edit this but hopefully it was worth it (15/04/2021 2012 words)

HOSIE (Endlessly for you) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now