Part 17- A Dead Trap

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WARNING: Child death (after ***, just type into the "search page" thing "***" and you will know where it starts and ends :)) and details about breastfeeding that might not be accurate because it has only been 13 years since my mother breastfeed me and probably 23 years until when I will breastfeed anyone [:

Coronavirus started in January of 2013. Yeah, I know right. Weird, but it is crucial to the plot. And then Irene was happy. And then Meghan was sad. Irene was happy because her background as a doctor would help her immensely to 1) privately pressure companies that depend on the sales of her medicine to produce vaccines faster while Irene helps them produce vaccines and 2) publicly let the staff in the big pharma say that she helped them immensely when speaking about their vaccines, thus booming her popularity and the royal family's.

Meghan, on the other hand, is very sad. Partially because of all the contracts that she signing with the film producing companies. They cannot get to filming right now due to COVID. Secondly, Meghan is pregnant, a good thing, however, she cannot do the big baby showers to get media attention due to COVID. So, to her, her second pregnancy will be less useful than her first. And thirdly, Meghan and Harry are running out of money, exactly as Irene planed.

So, Meghan thought, what can I do to boost my popularity? Well, she thought about doing a bombshell interview with Oprah. And then she thought about what she could say/complain. She thought about what she wanted to paint herself as. a) a loving mother b) a great wife c) someone who doesn't want fame, and d) victim of the royal family.

And then Meghan was like, okay, so as a loving mother of 'Archie', I want protection for him. oof, I have that!

And then Meghan was like, okay, so, as a great wife of Harry, I want a lot of PDA. oof, I have that!

And then Meghan was like, okay, so, as a great wife of Harry, I want him to be happy. oof, I am spending Diana's money... I can't say that...

And then Meghan was like, okay, so, as a person who doesn't want fame, I want a title!  oof, I wanna have that. But they are not letting me. I am so sad.

And then Meghan was like, okay, so, as a) a loving mother b) a great wife c) someone who doesn't want fame, and d) victim of the royal family. OH RIGHT, the victim of the royal family, yeah I could play that!

And then Meghan was like, okay, so, what did the Queen do to harm me? Right, I can't talk *beep* about her. *beep*! I *beep*-ing want to.

And then Meghan was like, okay, so, what did Charles do to harm me? Right, he did a bad thing to Diana, and if I can dress like Diana or look like her in her interview in my interview, I could make people feel Diana again and hate Charles.

And then Meghan was like, okay, so, what did William and Irene do to harm me? Right, they stole my spotlight- wait no, I can't say that I am a) a loving mother b) a great wife c) someone who doesn't want fame! OOOOOH, I'm doomed...

And then Meghan was like, okay, so, what can I say? Right, look like Diana, and wait- I can't say anything! What I painted to the press will be destroyed if I said anything against the royal family! OOOOOH, I'm doomed...

And then Irene was like, okay, exactly how I wish it is.

And then the queen, knowing exactly what was going on in both Irene and Meghan's minds, was like "oof, Irene, you sneaking little *beep*, but I am confident that this is doing good to the royal family and not just herself, so I approve that. But wow, Irene you so smart, you literally trapped her dead in the *beep*. " 

[I know the queen will never swear, it's just the author wanted to swear at how genius it is for Irene to plan this whole thing, or rather how genius it is for Irene (the author) to plan this whole plot;v;]

Anyway, so where was I? Right, Queen swearing, Meghan trapped by Irene.

And then do you remember that Irene is pregnant? right yeah, the almost smut in the last chapter leads to this :) and then Irene is pregnant, once again with twins. :)

Okay so, below is gonna be very serious and sad than above, which is very goofy [:


June 2013 

(Told in Irene's perspective)

Giving birth was not that easy at all. I literally fainted after doing so. I vividly heard some doctors say "they're dead" and heard nothing else. I cried, Will cried, everyone in my family cried. But I think we cried for different reasons. 

I cried because I lost my child, the royals cried because they lost their heir. I didn't know why William cried. He told me it was the former, but I always had the feeling that it was the latter. When I lost the J triplets, I think he cried with me. When I lost the R twins, I think he cried with me also. But when I lost them a third time, I think he was weeping with his family.

It was done, I was done.

After giving birth, I had this constant thought that people in the family were talking behind my back. Perhaps they wanted a divorce? Perhaps they were discussing who shall replace me? Maybe they were selecting girls? Maybe those girls were less beautiful than I am, maybe less thoughtful and tactical, but at least they can bring this country a hire. At this thought, I always broke down.

My milk seems to be very good, and every time I spill my milk, I feel happy and distressed at the same time. I am glad that I can breastfeed. My child will not be hungry in the future. I feel sorry that the two children did not eat a bite. After I was discharged from the hospital, I saw that the milk was getting less or less every day, but I felt very sad. The absence of milk means that I have no last contact with the children whom I'd given birth to a month earlier, in May 2013.

I was ready for childbirth, ready for breastfeeding, ready to take care of her without taking a break every day, and all the preparations, but I couldn't keep my children.

Chris and Caroline, Mommy really wants to hug you. 

After being discharged from the hospital, I went home to recuperate. 

I could cry for a while when I thought of it. On the third night after being discharged from the hospital, my mother called me and said: "Your children are not saved, my child is saved. Your children have a relationship with you for 9 months, you must be sad, but my child has 20+  Years of love, if you are gone, how can I live!" 

We cry bitterly and wept on the phone. 

Living well is a responsibility to parents and family! After walking on the death line, my views on many things are different. To love others more tolerantly, and to love the world more cherished. This is what my children taught me. Sure, I'd bring Meghan down, but God seems to wanna bring me down as well.


Today was my expected delivery date. Last night I dreamed that I had the baby and I was still nursing Chris and Caroline. When I woke up, I couldn't help but burst into tears. I really want to bring them into this world. I really want to take care of them and watch them grow up. I can't help but think about what they will be like when they grow up, obedient or rebellious, like learning or not, love music or painting, look like their father or their mother...

I turned on once again the brisk waltz music that I once listened to with them in my belly, and every one of them has turned into sad music. 

God, I don't dare to extravagantly ask for your future blessings, just ask for next time, if I ever have another chance, give me my child's safety.


"William... Maybe you should find someone else... We can separate, you find another wife, Steph, for example..."

"Rina, you are being silly. My brother's left me. My father doesn't understand me, you are the only person who know me. It's okay, we have time, we are young. Besides, Granny and Pa are before us, they are both healthy right?"


OMG. so, there will be two major character deaths in the following chapters. Can you guess who they are based on William's words? DM me if you feel that they shall not die. I by no means want to insult anyone in this book, I love the royals ALL very much, I live in a commonwealth country, and I don't want any of them to pass. But, just for the sake of this fanfiction, they sadly have to... 

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