Part 13- Kennedy Genes (2)

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"Your Royal Highness."

"Mr. President."


Everything about the American trip went fabulous. The fame, the love, the power, Irene tasted was like never before.

Oh and, she had sex on that trip :)

         [insert good smut because IDK how to write that, I struggled with writing it cause I am a       dumb-dumb;v;]

And then she got pregnant. obviously. (To the writer, a virgin, the meaning of sex is just to get pregnant, right? why else would you do that *-*)


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What is Meghan doing, well she was jealous. obviously. and she wanted to get out of the royal family and be a celebrity lifestyle are different. She wanted to move to a celebrity lifestyle with some lingering strings attached to the British royal family to get fame. (prelude to Megxit, will get into details in the next chapter(s))

When Irene went back from her and William's 3 day trip to the US, she noticed Meghan's wantings and decided to do another speech to promote the royal family's side of things, not about Meghan, this time not even hinting the slightest at Meghan, but she was gonna talk about mental health. Her purpose was to make sure that the Queen knew that she was on her side and not Meghan's, see if you can catch how well she's done it.

So, a month after her return to Britain, she delivered this:

Ladies and Gentlemen, I want you to imagine a time where you are catching up to a bus that would carry you to your workplace, just. in. time. (Crowd Laughs)

You got on the bus, you felt a bit down as you sat down on the single seat by the window. Why, because you don't have a date sitting next to you. (Crowd Laughs)

When you were getting over this horrible feeling, you realized that the bus has already driven 4 stops. (Crowd Laughs) And a little boy boarded the bus, holding the hand of his mother. They sat on the seat in the front of the bus, the double seat that you wanted to sit on with your future date. (Crowd Laughs)

However, you didn't think much about it, as a beautiful young lady was just boarding the vehicle also.  (Crowd Laughs) She got on and picked out her bus ticket from her pink handbag.

But then, everything happened too quickly, one moment you were mesmerized by this lady, the next moment that little boy from before ran from his seat and grabbed onto her pink handbag as the lady screamed in terror. 

"Theif!" everybody yelled and some men went and tackled the kid with ease, not paying any attention to this little boy's mother, she was practically begging for the men to release her son.

You remembered that the mother said something, but you didn't remember what it was, it was probably a lie anyway.

Minutes later, the bus parked near a police station, and they took the boy into custody.

You were happy that justice was instituted and went off to work feeling proud.

However, what if I told you that little boy suffered a kind of autism where he got attached to shining items such as the lady's handbag. What if I told you that after this incident, the child never recovered from the Psychological trauma and would always ask his mother "why does the world hate me?" What if I told you the truth is that should the people on that bus listen to the child's mother, they would have known all of it.

And knowing that, would the people on that bus line be as proud as they were?

This was a story that Miss Smallwood, a principal of a school of special children has told me. This little boy's name was Adam, and he was her friend's child. This incident on the bus happened before she established her private school and it changed Miss Smallwood's pursuit of life. 

William and I have visited her school. It was a wonderful environment. The children were very imaginative and caring. We spent our time getting to know them deeply. 

When our time at the school came to an end, I was walking down the hallway with Miss Smallwood. I suddenly felt this guilt traping my heart. I asked: "Don't you think the cameras that we attracted might intrude on the children's life?" 

Then she told me the story of Adam. 

She concluded that the understanding of autistic children is really important, it is even more crucial than the intrusion of cameras.

I concur with her. And now my mission was to find a way to minimalize the impairments that cameras can make. 

About a week ago,  Miss Smallwood sent a message to me and William. She asked if we would like to go visit her school sometime soon. Because many of the girls in the classes were wondering "why isn't the handsome prince here" (Crowd awwed; William blushes and claps; the queen who was watching this live event on youtube smiled because she knew how smart her grand-daughter-in-law was to incorporate flirting into something this serious; Her Majesty was impressed, like very impressed;v;).

I found out finally, that constantality was the way to reduce the harm as much a possible. I arranged that William and I will visit the children every week on Friday. 

Autism awareness is definitely spreading, and people are becoming more and more informed of what they can expect from people on the spectrum. As a result, the general public is becoming educated and compassionate. In a society that accepts them, autistic people can live happy, healthy lives. Autism is the fastest-growing developmental disability in the world. Raising awareness helps people understand and not be frightened by the disability. 

Nobody should ever be treated like Adam. 

It is my honor to be part of this mission, it is my honor to say to the children at Miss Smallwood's school that "the handsome prince" will be visiting you every Friday. Thank you. (Crowd Cheers and Claps)


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