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''Waves crash along, battered lonely lighthouse, tomorrow she's gone and if not, someday, somehow.''

''What's gonna happen to him?'' Maeve questioned as soon as she sees Bucky being carried away in a pod. ''


''Same thing that ought to happen to you, psychological evaluation and extradition.'' Says Everett Ross, Deputy Task Force Commander.

''What about our lawyer?'' Says Maeve.

''Lawyer? That's funny.'' He laughs. ''Who are you by the way?''

''It's a long story, '' Says Steve. ''We just need to know what's gonna happen to Bucky.''

Natasha and Tony arrived at the basement they were in, Steve told Maeve to stay with Sam and Sharon while he spoke with Tony about the situation.

''You can keep an eye on him,'' Steve told Maeve before walking away with Tony. ''If you need anything just tell Sam.''

Maeve and Sam followed Sarah to an Office, they saw a Bucky through a Control screen as the evaluator sat down at a desk facing Bucky's pod. ''Hello, Mr. Barnes. I've been sent by the United Nations to evaluate you. Do you mind if I sit? Your first name is James?''

''The receipt for your gear,'' Sharon told Sam passing him a receipt.

''Bird costume? Come on.''

''I didn't write it.'' Said Sharon accidentally pushing a button that stopped the restriction on the audio from Bucky's evaluation. Maeve noticed right away.

''Sam, there is no audio of the interview.''

At that moment Steve walks into the office holding a picture in his hand. He throws the blurred picture that they used to try to frame Bucky. ''Why would the Task Force release this photo, to begin with?''

''Get the word out, involve as many eyes as we can?''

''Right. It's a good way to flush a guy out of hiding. Set off a bomb, get your picture taken. Get seven billion people looking for the Winter Soldier.''

''You're saying someone framed him to find him.''

''They did, ''Stated Mave. ''He has been with me this entire time.''

''We have been hiding him this entire time, ''Steve tells Sharon. ''All eyes on deck.''

''There is no way he could have done this.''

Maeve turns back to the screen and sees Bucky fighting his way out the front of the pod with his metal fist and the glass screen flies clear. Red emergency lights flash all-around at that moment and everyone runs to him.

Steve and Maeve arrive just in time to see Tony zap Bucky with a stun-burst before Bucky can shoot a guard. Tony rushes him, firing again. Bucky ducks the blast then trades blows with Tony, firing the gun. Tony has the Iron Man-glove over the barrel, blocking the bullet.
He pulls the gun barrel loose then Bucky smacks him backward.
Sharon rushes Bucky, then Maeve rushes Bucky.
They both land kicks and punches, then Bucky flips Sharon's head over heels.
She smashes onto a table then Maeve leaps on Bucky, legs around his neck.
He slams her onto another table and grabs her throat.

''Bucky, stop it!''

T'Challa comes from nowhere and kicks Bucky off Maeve.
He fights with Bucky, landing lightning-fast kicks and some punches, Bucky gets a counter punch in and T'Challa falls and he hurries up some stairs.
They resume fighting on the small landing and a leg sweep sends Bucky over the railing. T'Challa leaps down after him but finds the wide reception empty.

''Maeve, '' Screams Sam approaching her and taking her hand. ''You have to come with me, now. We have a plan.''

Bucky's on the rooftop helipad, he marches up to a blue chopper and pulls the lock off the door, and gets in the pilot seat, Steve rushes outside and sprints toward the rising chopper and he leaps and grabs the landing gear. He grits his teeth and his neck strains with incredible effort. Bucky glowers from inside the chopper then throws the joystick left and the chopper's nose slams into the edge of the helipad. The rotor blades are smashed to pieces and Steve ducks as the tail swings around. The chopper lies twisted on the mesh at the edge of the pad.
Steve rises beside the canopy, Bucky's arm smashes through the glass, and growling he grabs Steve's throat, the chopper starts to list over the edge and the tail breaks off and falls into the river below.
Bucky keeps hold of Steve as the whole vehicle drops and slams into the river.
The impact seems to knock Bucky out cold and he lets go of Steve, the body of the chopper sinks quickly to the riverbed along with other debris.
Steve surfaces with Bucky in his arms and makes his way to the van Sam, Scott and Maeve were waiting on.

''I thought you wouldn't make it.''

THE FIXERS ♡ BUCKY BARNESWhere stories live. Discover now